Zoe Bell
Zoe Bell

Basically, I'd finished doing gymnastics when I was 15, 16, but I'd stayed training because I'd just sort of loved it, and I'd met a man by the name of Peter Bell - no relation - who it turns out was a stuntman in New Zealand.

Death Proof
Death Proof

Jungle Julia: Sorry, it was a one-time only offer and she did it earlier this evening at Anton's.
Stuntman Mike: No, she didn't.
Arlene: How do you know?
Stuntman Mike: I'm good that way. And you look a little touchéd.
Arlene: What's touchéd?
Stuntman Mike:

Wounded, slightly.
Arlene: Why should I be wounded?
Stuntman Mike: Because you expected guys to be pestering you all night, but from your look I can tell nobody pestered you at all. That kind of hurt your feelings a little bit, didn't it? There are few things as fetching as a bruised ego on a beautiful angel.
Arlene: [Arlene

smiles] Hmm.
Stuntman Mike: [slowly] So, how about that lap dance?
Arlene: I think I'm going to have to give you a rain check.
Stuntman Mike: Well, since you'll be leaving in the next couple of days, that rain check will be worthless. But that's okay. I understand if I make you uncomfortable. You're still a nice girl, and I

still like you. But I must warn you of something -- you know how people say...
Stuntman Mike: [does an exaggerated Kurt Russell voice-impression] You're okay in my book, or In my book, that's no good?
Stuntman Mike: [goes back to his regular voice] Well, I actually HAVE a book.
Stuntman Mike: [he pulls out a little book from

his back pocket] And everybody I ever meet goes in this book. And, now I've met you, YOU'RE going in the book! Except, I'm afraid I must file you... under... chicken shit.
[shows the open book to her]
Arlene: [grabbing the book from him] And what if I did it?
Stuntman Mike: Well, I definitely couldn't file you under chicken shit then, now

could I?
Arlene: What's your name again?
Stuntman Mike: [softly] Stuntman Mike.
Arlene: Well, Stuntman Mike, I'm Butterfly. My friend Jungle Julia over here says that jukebox inside is pretty impressive.
Stuntman Mike: Yeah, it is.
Arlene: Yeah.

[she hands Stuntman Mike his book back] Why don't you get ready for your lapdance?

Death Proof
Death Proof

Stuntman Mike: [handing Arlene and Jungle Julia beers] Cheers, Butterfly. The woods are lovely, dark, and deep. And I have promises to keep. Miles to go before I sleep. Did you hear me, Butterfly? Miles to go, before you sleep.
Jungle Julia: Sorry, Stuntman Burt...
Stuntman Mike: [angrily interrupting her] Mike.

Julia: Mike. She already broke off that dance.
Stuntman Mike: Is that true? Did I... miss my chance?
[Arlene doesn't respond]
Stuntman Mike: Do I frighten you?
[Arlene silently nods]
Stuntman Mike: Is it my scar?
Arlene: It's your car.
Stuntman Mike: Yeah,

I know. Sorry, it's my mom's car.
Arlene: Have you been following us?
Stuntman Mike: No, but that's what I love about Austin - it's just so damn small.
Jungle Julia: [to Arlene] You seen this guy before?
Arlene: I saw him outside of Gueros.
Stuntman Mike: I saw you outside of

Gueros, too. You saw my car, I saw your legs. Now look, I ain't stalking you all, but I didn't say that I wasn't a wolf.
Arlene: So you really weren't following us?
Stuntman Mike: I'm not following you, Butterfly. I just... got lucky. So, how about that lap dance?

Death Proof
Death Proof

Kim: [a high-speed car chase. Kim is ramming her car into Stuntman Mike's car, directly in front of her.] Oh, you know I can't let you go without tapping that ass... one...
Abernathy: Kim?
Kim: ...more...
Zoë: Uhmm, Kim?
Kim: ...TIME!
[both cars smash right through a dead-end

guard rail and into a busy freeway.]

Death Proof
Death Proof

Jungle Julia: [to Arlene] I think you got Mike laid tonight.
[the two of them laugh]
Jungle Julia: [to Stuntman Mike] Looking good, Cannonball Run!
Pam: He's just giving me a ride.
Jungle Julia: Oh, no doubt.
Arlene: [waves to them] Have a nice ride.
[they go back to

Pam: Look, double-fucks...
[she approaches them]
Pam: ...I am not gonna fuck him!
Stuntman Mike: [as he lights a cigarette] I can hear you!
[Jungle Julia and Arlene laugh and Pam approaches even closer]
Pam: He's old enough to be my da...
Stuntman Mike: I

can still hear you!
[the girls go back to laughing]
Pam: Bye!

Death Proof
Death Proof

Earl McGraw: [regarding Stuntman Mike's impunity] I'm gonna' tell you like The LORD told John: If he ever does it again, I can be goddamn sure he don't ever do it again in Texas.
[superfast cut to title card reading, "Lebanon... Tennessee... 14 Months Later" - title card cuts to Stuntman Mike, alive and well, driving a black 1969 Charger; "death-proofed," no doubt]

Death Proof
Death Proof

Pam: So what's your name, icy?
Stuntman Mike: Stuntman Mike.
Pam: Stuntman Mike's your name.
Stuntman Mike: You ask anybody.
Pam: Hey Warren. Who is this guy?
Warren the Bartender: Stuntman Mike.
Pam: And who the hell is Stuntman Mike?

Warren the Bartender: He's a stuntman.

Death Proof
Death Proof

Stuntman Mike: [screams from his car] I'm sorry!
Kim: What?
Stuntman Mike: I didn't mean to, I was just... playing around!
Zoë: Oooh, he was playing around...
[hits Stuntman Mike's car]

Death Proof
Death Proof

Stuntman Mike: [in his death-proof car, the driver-side window is gone] Be careful, my arm is broken!
Kim: [roughly grabs Stuntman Mike's broken arm] Oh, THIS one?
Stuntman Mike: OWWWWWW!

Death Proof
Death Proof

Juana: [in the bar] So, how'd you become a stuntman?
Stuntman Mike: I learned it from my brother.
Juana: And who's he?
Stuntman Mike: Stuntman Bob.