John C. Bogle
John C. Bogle

Enjoy the magic of compounding returns. Even modest investments made in one's early 20s are likely to grow to staggering amounts over the course of an investment lifetime.

John M. McHugh
John M. McHugh

One in seven Americans lives without health insurance, and that's a truly staggering figure.

John W. Gardner
John W. Gardner

It's a staggering transition for high school students that found they could study five hours a week and make As and Bs.

Justin Hartley
Justin Hartley

It's called 'A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius' by Dave Eggers. It is absolutely everything the title implies. It's the greatest book I've ever.

Kathy Griffin
Kathy Griffin

To give up my job as a temp and actually make a living doing comedy, it was staggering.

Katie Kitamura
Katie Kitamura

The first fight I saw live, the fighter I was shadowing lost in front of a crowd of forty thousand people. The scale of that is staggering to me. Undergoing that overlap between something very personal and something very public strikes me as both admirable and also somewhat terrifying.

Kevin Barry
Kevin Barry

Frazzled and delirious, as I've just finished a new book of stories. I feel like Moses staggering down the mountainside with the tablets of stone.

Lin-Manuel Miranda
Lin-Manuel Miranda

The musicals that leave us kind of staggering on our feet are the ones that really reach for a lot.

Marcus Brigstocke
Marcus Brigstocke

There are a lot of comics at the top end making staggering amounts of money and selling out stadiums. I think stand-up is a more intimate thing than that. Maybe because of the kind of comedy I do. It's like a discussion, but I'm the one with the microphone.

Martin McGuinness
Martin McGuinness

The sheer scale of what the Tories are attempting to do is staggering. But Sinn Fein will not agree to this ideologically driven austerity agenda.