Jason Reitman
Jason Reitman

Can you design a Rorschach test that's going to make everyone feel something every time - and that looks like a Rorschach test? It's easy to show a picture of a kitten or a car accident. The question is, how abstract can you get and still get the audience to feel something when they don't know what's happening to them?


I've got a nice collection of paintings - a Basquiat, a black-and-white Warhol that's like a Rorschach test, and I commissioned Takashi Murakami to do a ten-foot joint for me. It's almost like the explosion in Hiroshima with his famous skeleton head. There's a wall above my fireplace reserved for it.

Jonathan Miles
Jonathan Miles

The James Brown we saw tended to be the James Brown we chose to see: as the caped crusader of funk and soul, adored by millions, or as the face in a seemingly endless series of mug shots. The ways in which he appealed to and appalled different audiences made Brown a kind of national Rorschach test.

Michael J. Anderson
Michael J. Anderson

'Twin Peaks' is one of those Rorschach ink blot things, where everybody finds their own favorite thing.

Rebecca MacKinnon
Rebecca MacKinnon

Internet freedom is a bit of a Rorschach test: it means different things to different people.

Terry Glavin
Terry Glavin

To fans of British Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn, the Chilcot report should be read as a kind of Rorschach test - those experiments psychiatrists sometimes use to determine what their patients imagine they are seeing in the shapes of inkblots.

Twyla Tharp
Twyla Tharp

Walt Disney was a master of the human psychology. His sense of timing, sense of speed. In a sense, those cartoons are like Rorschach tests.


Laurie Juspeczyk: Do you remember that crazy guy? What did he call himself... Captain Carnage. The one who used to pretend he was a supervillain just so he could get beaten up all the time?
Dan Dreiberg: Yeah, he tried that on me once. I just walked away. He starts following me down the street in broad daylight, yelling 'Punish me! Punish me!' I'm just

saying 'No! Get lost.'
Laurie Juspeczyk: God. Whatever happened to him?
Dan Dreiberg: Well, he pulled that on Rorschach, and Rorschach dropped him down an elevator shaft.
[pause, then both laugh]
Laurie Juspeczyk: Oh my god. That isn't even funny.
Dan Dreiberg: [laughing] It is a *little* funny.


Rorschach: Your turn doctor! Tell me!
[puts on Rorschach mask]
Rorschach: What do you see?


[Laurie and Dan are breaking Rorschach out of prison]
Rorschach: Need to visit men's room.
Laurie Juspeczyk: Oh, Christ!