Adam Braun
Adam Braun

While many in the social enterprise space often qualify themselves as 'non-profit,' these organizations should instead treat themselves as 'for-purpose.' These organizations should focus on their mission to create social good, while still treating themselves with the same commitment to rigor and discipline as the best for-profits.

Adam Cole
Adam Cole

I always think back to that first night in Brooklyn, where I debuted, and it was this total surprise. I just remember thinking, 'I hope they care. I hope they remember me.' The way they embraced me that night, I knew it was the start of something special.

Adam Curtis
Adam Curtis

Following the principle that you should know your enemy, the BBC has assiduously recorded the relentless rise of Rupert Murdoch and his assault on the old 'decadent' elites of Britain.

Adam Curtis
Adam Curtis

Throughout the western world, new systems have risen up whose job is to constantly record and monitor the present - and then compare that to the recorded past. The aim is to discover patterns, coincidences and correlations, and from that, find ways of stopping change. Keeping things the same.

Adam Conover
Adam Conover

Late 19th-century America was basically a plutocratic enterprise while people toiled in mines and died of coal dust poisoning.

Adam Dell
Adam Dell

By virtue of our private property society, we have disconnected individuals from the land. We have put them in high rises and asked them to live their lives in urban settings, disconnected from the land.

Adam Draper
Adam Draper

Bitcoin and the block chain enables a whole new way to incentivize and transact, so change the world with this new tool. Create and build! Surprise us with an idea we have never seen before.

Adam Driver
Adam Driver

I'm one of those crazy people, if I'm watching the trailer for a movie and I'm really excited by it, I'll turn it off because I don't want to know anything. I want to be surprised because I love that more than knowing anything.

Adam Ferguson
Adam Ferguson

Like the winds that we come we know not whence and blow whither soever they list, the forces of society are derived from an obscure and distant origin. They arise before the date of philosophy, from the instincts, not the speculations of men.

Adam Ferrara
Adam Ferrara

I'm surprised how hot it gets in the Moab Desert. I knew it got hot, but I didn't think it got, like, Mercury-hot.