Adam Braun
Adam Braun

It always surprises me when donors who operate successful businesses assume that just building a school structure means that a community now has access to education. When creating a business, does renting an office space now mean that you're producing goods, training staff and generating revenues?

Adam Lashinsky
Adam Lashinsky

Roku collects money two ways: by selling hardware, which it calls 'players'; and by selling advertising and taking a cut of revenues from the video publishers on its platform.

Alan Patricof
Alan Patricof

In times of huge fiscal deficits, no new revenues can be ignored, and renouncing any becomes well nigh politically impossible.

Andrew Mellon
Andrew Mellon

A balanced program for tax reform based upon the common sense idea of lowering taxes out of surplus revenues.

Arthur Laffer
Arthur Laffer

The Laffer Curve illustrates the basic idea that changes in tax rates have two effects on tax revenues: the arithmetic effect and the economic effect.

Arthur Laffer
Arthur Laffer

The story of how the Laffer Curve got its name begins with a 1978 article by Jude Wanniski in 'The Public Interest' entitled, 'Taxes, Revenues, and the Laffer Curve.'

Charles A. Beard
Charles A. Beard

The first session of the Congress of the United States under the Constitution was devoted principally to the problems of immediate revenues and administrative and judicial organization.

Charles B. Rangel
Charles B. Rangel

If you are spending too much, you cut back on spending and you raise your revenues. And that's it.

Charles Vest
Charles Vest

Of course, tax revenues have ended up being substantially higher than they were at the time these dire projections were made, and we are very close now to having a balanced budget. All that has been very helpful.

Chieh Huang
Chieh Huang

The ultimate goal is to be the leader in mobile commerce. I'm not just saying revenues; if you're trying to find a good experience of buying something on your phone, I want you to automatically think, 'Boxed has one of the best, if not the best, experiences of buying something on your mobile device.'