David Shields
David Shields

Sports - especially the NBA - function as a place where American society pretends to discuss and pretends to solve questions and historical agonies that can't possibly be solved within the realm of sports.

David Wain
David Wain

I am not one of those guys who pretends not to enjoy his own work.

Evan McMullin
Evan McMullin

The idea that Donald Trump is a conservative is a complete farce. He is a conman who pretends to be a conservative.

Gareth Thomas
Gareth Thomas

My father always pretends to hate Christmas. But when we were children he was the first one waking us up, saying: 'Do you think Father Christmas has been yet?'

George Packer
George Packer

No one pretends anymore that the Olympics are just about sports. It's routine to talk about what effect holding the Games in this or that capital will have on the host country's international reputation, how a nation's prestige can be raised by its medal count.

Germaine Greer
Germaine Greer

Even crushed against his brother in the Tube the average Englishman pretends desperately that he is alone.

Jaime Camil
Jaime Camil

The classic story of the Univision network is the mainstream pretends that the network doesn't exist, but then when it comes to sweeps or the ratings, they just have millions and millions more viewers than ABC, Fox, and CBS combined; it's that kind of a success story.

Jan Brett
Jan Brett

Sometimes I get ideas from childhood. In 'The Hat', Hedgie starts getting teased about his hat, and he just pretends that everything is okay. That's the advice that my mother gave me - not to get mad and pretend that everything is okay. And it worked.

Jean Kerr
Jean Kerr

Man is the only animal that learns by being hypocritical. He pretends to be polite and then, eventually, he becomes polite.

Jenifer Lewis
Jenifer Lewis

A diva is someone who pretends to know who she is and looks fabulous doing it.