Andrew Lloyd Webber
Andrew Lloyd Webber

The plot of my 'Phantom' is pretty much mine. It's based on the Gaston Leroux book - I've taken a lot of liberties with it.

Andrew Scott
Andrew Scott

I never make a note of anything; I never even write a plot down.

Anita Desai
Anita Desai

I try to trace the connection between the characters and that way a story or plot emerges.

Ann Hood
Ann Hood

Grief doesn't have a plot. It isn't smooth. There is no beginning and middle and end.

Ann Maxwell
Ann Maxwell

Traditionally in crime fiction, women exist as a bedroom convenience or to screw up in order that the plot may progress. I wanted no part of that.

Anne Graham Lotz
Anne Graham Lotz

I do not believe evil men are led by God. I believe there are plots of evil. We live in a sinful world, and there are a lot of things that happen as a result of sin.

Anthony Foxx
Anthony Foxx

Part of being innovative in government is sometimes not trying to plot out the last chapter of the book, but to be open and see what comes back.

Charlie Cox
Charlie Cox

When you get to set, you don't try to play the plot; you just play the character.

Charlie Sykes
Charlie Sykes

Fox News and other Trump-friendly media long ago became fever wards of speculation and conspiracy-mongering as they obsessed over plots from the Deep State.

Chelsea Quinn Yarbro
Chelsea Quinn Yarbro

Storylines are how characters create the plots involved in their stories.