Alfred Hitchcock
Alfred Hitchcock

If it's a good movie, the sound could go off and the audience would still have a perfectly clear idea of what was going on.

Andrew Lansley
Andrew Lansley

In the first speech I delivered as health secretary, I made one thing perfectly clear: we need a cultural shift in the NHS: from a culture responsive mainly to orders from the top down to one responsive to patients, in which patient safety is put first.

Ben Stein
Ben Stein

Usually I am not a conspiracy theorist. I don't believe in the Bilderbergers as a conspiracy or the Trilateralists. But I am certain that the Communists killed JFK. There is a super great book called 'Legend' by Edward Jay Epstein that makes it all perfectly clear.

Bill Veeck
Bill Veeck

After a month or so in St. Louis, we were looking around desperately for a way to draw a few people into the ball park, it being perfectly clear by that time that the ball club wasn't going to do it unaided.

Charles Edison
Charles Edison

I want to make this perfectly clear: you can be sure that I will never be a yes-man except to my own conscience.

Chuck Norris
Chuck Norris

One thing is perfectly clear: We don't need another China crony in the White House!

David Miliband
David Miliband

I abhor anything that constitutes torture. Water-boarding, it's perfectly clear to me it is torture. I never supported extraordinary rendition to torture, always said that Guantanamo should be closed. There is no clash of ideals and pragmatism there.

Emily Thornberry
Emily Thornberry

The Fraud Act 2006 makes it perfectly clear that Libor rigging is prosecutable as a criminal offence.

Enda Kenny
Enda Kenny

I am perfectly clear in my mind and in my conscience in respect of freedom of religious principles and beliefs.

Jan Brewer
Jan Brewer

I don't want Washington - let me be perfectly clear - I do not want Washington involved in local education decisions any more than I want them involved in common core. You know, common core was a state-created and state-implemented voluntary set of standards in Math and English that are comparable across state lines.