Dan Scanlon
Dan Scanlon

I actually worked for a small company in Ohio that sort of farmed out work from Disney and Dreamworks, so I really only ever worked in two studios.

Dana Brooke
Dana Brooke

It really hurt my heart because 'WWE Fastlane' was in Cleveland, Ohio and I was on the road shows on Friday and Saturday, and then Cleveland was my hometown and we had 'Fastlane' there and I looked on my travel app and it said: Friday booked, Saturday booked and then Sunday not booked and I was like, you have got to be kidding me?

Dave Chappelle
Dave Chappelle

I love Ohio.

David Berman
David Berman

When I was seven my parents divorced. My father went to Dallas. My mom fled to the shelter of my grandparents in a strange central Ohio town of 22,000, Wooster. When it looked like I was growing up to be a wimp I was forced to live with my father, which I did not want to do.

David Berman
David Berman

Little Wooster, Ohio and gargantuan Dallas, Texas formed the municipal cocktail of my life up till age 18. That drab, weird little town and the glitzy big one shaped me for sure.

David Joyce
David Joyce

I have two measures every time I look at a bill. Is this in the best interests of the hardworking taxpayers in Northeast Ohio and the 14th District, and will this stimulate or encourage the economy to work?

David Leslie Johnson
David Leslie Johnson

I'm from Ohio, and I wasn't one of those kids who grew up making movies or whatever, but I always wanted to write. I was probably in high school when I realized the things I was writing weren't books; they were movies, they were visual.

David Means
David Means

I studied English at the College of Wooster in Ohio, and I did an M.F.A. in Poetry at Columbia.

David Plouffe
David Plouffe

Well, I would never admit to copying Karl Rove's play book, but there's no doubt that what the Bush people did in 2004 was impressive. They had neighbors talking to neighbors. They did a remarkable job increasing Republican turnout in states like Ohio and Florida.

David Quammen
David Quammen

I'm a white, middle-class male who had a happy childhood in Ohio. The world does not need me to be a novelist.