Andre Holland
Andre Holland

'The Knick' is set in New York during the 1990s, and it takes place around a hospital called The Knickerbocker. It's about a team of surgeons and nurses who are on the cutting edge of medicine.

Andrew Lansley
Andrew Lansley

Go to any hospital, you'll find wards that are run by senior nurses with matrons. The point is do they have the power, do they have the responsibility inside the hospital?

Andrew Lansley
Andrew Lansley

I know that nurses are not only the largest healthcare profession but are responsible for the delivery of most healthcare, and are often in the best place to be able to see the whole pathway of care.

Angela Bowie
Angela Bowie

I don't know how much love David felt - I suspect very little. My main appeal to him was as a nurse, cook, housekeeper, creative ally, and business adviser.

Angela Carter
Angela Carter

That is what I'm looking forward to the most, practical learning. I want to be a registered nurse so getting to talk to people who already work in those jobs can really teach me what to expect when I get out in the real world.

Ann Richards
Ann Richards

I had such high expectations of myself. I was going to be the best mother, the best housewife, the best entertainer, the best nurse, you know - what it was, I was going to be the best. And I could never live up to my expectations.

Anne Wojcicki
Anne Wojcicki

All the kids from my nursery school are still in touch.

Antoine Predock
Antoine Predock

The legendary tumbleweed is really a nurse crop that protects the growth of prairie grasses under its shade, and then it sacrifices itself and blows away.

Antoine Predock
Antoine Predock

The prime communities of the Southwest are survival communities. Their sustenance is governed by rainfall and wind direction. You can study little enclaves of plant materials, how they huddle together for protection. Some are nurse crops.

Charles Kennedy
Charles Kennedy

Speaking to numerous teachers and nurses, I am consistently struck by the sense of mission they have about their work.