Boardwalk Empire
Boardwalk Empire

Lucky Luciano: There's another 50 in the car. They're ingersolls.
Meyer Lansky: I wish you would stop with this. We schlep around with a box of watches, what do we look like?
Lucky Luciano: Fellas who know what time it is.
Meyer Lansky: Might as well set up a pushcart.
Benny Siegel:

[comes in, surprised] Arnold Rothstein's here.
Meyer Lansky: We're talking, Benny.
Benny Siegel: Oh. So I should tell him go fuck a duck?
Lucky Luciano: Enough with the crazy shit already, huh?
Meyer Lansky: [glancing at Rothstein through the window] Bring him in before he breaks the house.

scramble to look presentable]
Meyer Lansky: A.R., did you come to sit in?
Lucky Luciano: You know you're always welcome.
Arnold Rothstein: I'm afraid those sharpers out there'd fleece me. Owing to his present difficulties, I've made a deal with Nucky Thompson. He'll be offloading his liquor shipments in Philadelphia. Waxey

Gordon will ensure safe arrival. The route to Atlantic city will be my responsibility.
Meyer Lansky: And you'd like us to recruit the muscle?
Arnold Rothstein: I would like you to be the muscle.
Lucky Luciano: A.R., we, uh, got some business going on just now.
Arnold Rothstein: I can see that. But Mr.

Thompson is paying me a premium.
Lucky Luciano: Anybody could ride shotgun.
Arnold Rothstein: Until you encounter Indians.
Meyer Lansky: We're honored by your trust, A.R., and flattered that you would come below 14th street to discuss it personally. Aren't we, Charlie?
Lucky Luciano: Sure.

Arnold Rothstein: As it happens, I was down here having dinner with Joe Masseria, who left me with the distinct impression he'd still like both of you dead.
Lucky Luciano: You broke bread with that prick?
Arnold Rothstein: We were served a native dish of tripe, which I cannot abide. But I ate it anyway, to keep the peace. Some

things, Charlie, you just have to swallow.

Boardwalk Empire
Boardwalk Empire

[coming in to speak with her husband, Arnold Rothstein]
Carolyn Rothstein: Arnold, a Nucky Thompson on the telephone.
Arnold Rothstein: I'll take it in here, darling.
Carolyn Rothstein: [about his diet, with a smile] How's that stomach?
Arnold Rothstein: It's still a little tentative.

Carolyn Rothstein: So much apple bread.
Arnold Rothstein: [laughs lightly] It has a binding effect.
Carolyn Rothstein: Is that the best thing right now?
Arnold Rothstein: A sound elimination is the basis of good health.
[Carolyn looks at him amusedly before exiting]