Claudette Colvin
Claudette Colvin

The Montgomery Bus Boycott began in December 1955, and by 1956 NAACP leaders came to me and asked me to be part of a lawsuit they wanted to file on my behalf and that of three other women, to challenge segregation on public buses.

Dana Loesch
Dana Loesch

If actual victims of discrimination had to wait on the NAACP to see them to justice, they would never get help.

Dana Loesch
Dana Loesch

The NAACP ignores the wellspring of racism from within its own ranks, daring to brand anyone who disagrees with the standard they bear for the plantation-politics Democrats as 'white nationalists.'

J. C. Watts
J. C. Watts

Having a Republican candidate speak at the NAACP convention is like trying to build a house starting at the roof. If you don't have a foundation, the roof isn't going to stand.

J. C. Watts
J. C. Watts

Republicans think that the NAACP is the only voice in the black community. It is a voice in the black community. But it's not the only voice.

Jeff Sessions
Jeff Sessions

I'm often loose with my tongue. I may have said something about the NAACP being un-American or Communist, but I meant no harm by it.

Jim Webb
Jim Webb

The NAACP believes the Tea Party is racist. The Tea Party believes the NAACP is racist.

Joe Baca
Joe Baca

It is an honor to be awarded with such a high rating from an organization as well respected as the NAACP. I am pleased that the oldest and largest civil rights organization in the nation, has recognized my voting record.

John C. McGinley
John C. McGinley

Groups like the NAACP, The Anti-Defamation League, NOW and GLAAD, will respond to derisive language directed at their constituents. The price paid by those who cavalierly chose to verbally disrespect the dignity of African Americans, Jews, women and homosexuals is steep.

John F. Kerry
John F. Kerry

I would rather be the candidate of the NAACP than the NRA.