Audrey Hepburn
Audrey Hepburn

I believe in manicures. I believe in overdressing. I believe in primping at leisure and wearing lipstick. I believe in pink. I believe happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day, and... I believe in miracles.

Ben Carson
Ben Carson

You can understand why I'm a believer. I have seen miracles.

Benny Hinn
Benny Hinn

I am looking forward to even greater healings and miracles in my ministry.

Bernie Siegel
Bernie Siegel

If I were rewriting 'Love, Medicine & Miracles,' I might consider changing its title to 'The Side Effects of Cancer.' Healing is hard work, as is any change one must make in one's life. I and others have learned, however, that the side effects of cancer may not all be bad ones.

Beth Moore
Beth Moore

I've seen a lot of miracles, and I have experienced a lot of things with Jesus, but nothing I have ever experienced in my corporate community life with other believers can compare with just me and Him in my kitchen early in the morning before the sun comes up.

Bill Gates
Bill Gates

Almost every way we make electricity today, except for the emerging renewables and nuclear, puts out CO2. And so, what we're going to have to do at a global scale, is create a new system. And so, we need energy miracles.

Bo Sanchez
Bo Sanchez

I believe that miracles happen every day. Every person is a miracle. Every moment is a miracle. If only we can open our eyes, we'll see God's love everywhere.

Bo Sanchez
Bo Sanchez

I believe that miracles happen every day.

Bob Richards
Bob Richards

Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles.

Cate Campbell
Cate Campbell

It's about never giving up until your hand is on the wall. I think people who get complacent, who think that they are in front, a sloppy touch, can cost you that elusive medal, just as much as the people who are gunning for you. If you believe you can get there right to the very end, miracles do happen.