Andre Leon Talley
Andre Leon Talley

I personally go to the airport looking like a homeless person, because I think people will leave me alone. But I dress myself with my luggage - all my luggage matches.

Bill O'Reilly
Bill O'Reilly

Alaskans are basically 'leave me alone' type people who respect and embrace different strokes.

Brian O'Driscoll
Brian O'Driscoll

My missus knows to leave me alone.

Demetri Martin
Demetri Martin

I like video games, but they are very violent. I want to create a video game in which you have to help all the characters who have died in the other games. 'Hey, man, what are you playing?' 'Super Busy Hospital. Could you leave me alone? I'm performing surgery! This guy got shot in the head, like, 27 times!'

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen

I'm not a rock star. Sure I am, to a certain extent because of the situation, but when kids ask me how it feels to be a rock star, I say leave me alone, I'm not a rock star. I'm not in it for the fame, I'm in it because I like to play.

Edie Adams
Edie Adams

You aren't going to leave me alone are you?

Elias Koteas
Elias Koteas

I can't stand to watch anything that I'm in. I tear it apart. The worst thing you can do is leave me alone and let me watch what I'm in. It's abusive.


You can't please everybody. I give up. I'm not trying to. I don't care. Leave me alone with that.

Frankie Boyle
Frankie Boyle

Having our privacy exposed is particularly crushing for the British - a nation for whom the phrase: 'How are you?' really means: 'Please say one word, then leave me alone.'

J. J. Abrams
J. J. Abrams

I try to push ideas away, and the ones that will not leave me alone are the ones that ultimately end up happening.