Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

K-2SO: [after Jyn shoots an identical droid] Did you know that wasn't me?
Jyn Erso: [obviously lying] Yeah. Of course.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Stormtrooper #1: Where are you taking these prisoners?
K-2SO: [referring to Jyn and Cassian] These are prisoners.
Stormtrooper #1: Yes. Where are you taking them?
K-2SO: I am... taking them... to imprison them... in prison.
Cassian Andor: He's taking us to...
K-2SO: [K-2SO slaps him] Quiet! And

there's a fresh one if you mouth off again.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

K-2SO: Your behavior, Jyn Erso, is continually unexpected.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

K-2SO: [after chokeslamming Jyn for trying to escape] Congratulations. You are being rescued. Please do not resist.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

K-2SO: [referring to a blaster Jyn has] Would you like to know the probablility of her using it against you?
[Cassian just looks at K-2SO]
K-2SO: It's high.
Cassian Andor: Let's get going.
K-2SO: It's very high.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

K-2SO: I'm surprised you're so concerned with my safety.
Jyn Erso: I'm not. I'm just worried they might miss you... and hit me.
K-2SO: [quietly, so Jyn can't hear] Doesn't sound so bad to me.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

General Draven: You're currently calling youself Liana Hallik. Is that correct? Possession of unsanctioned weapons. Forgery of Imperial documents. Aggravated assault. Escape from custody. resisting arrest. Imagine if the Imperial authorities had found out who you really were, Jyn Erso. That is your given name, is it not? Jyn Erso, daughter of Galen Erso? A known Imperial

collaborator in weapons development.
Jyn Erso: What is this?
Mon Mothma: It's a chance for you to make a fresh start. We think you might be able to help us. This is Captain Cassian Andor, Rebel Intelligence.
Cassian Andor: When was the last time you were in contact with your father?
Jyn Erso: 15 years

Cassian Andor: Any idea where he's been all that time?
Jyn Erso: I'd like to think he's dead. Makes things easier.
Cassian Andor: Easier than what? That he's been a tool of the Imperial war machine?
Jyn Erso: I've never had the luxury of political opinions.
Cassian Andor:

Really? When was your last contact with Saw Gerrera?
Jyn Erso: It's been a long time.
Cassian Andor: But he'll remember you, though. Wouldn't he? He might agree to meet you, if you came as a friend.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

[first lines]
[an Imperial space shuttle flies towards a farm in Lah'mu and over a young Jyn running scared upon seeing it]
Young Jyn: [entering her house] Mama?
Lyra Erso: We know.
Galen Erso: Jyn, gather your things. It's time.