
Only an intervention by women around the world, with their innate knowledge of interdependency, deep listening, empathy and self-sacrifice, could possibly alter our species' desperate course.

Anthony Fauci
Anthony Fauci

When you're dealing with a very sick person and you're doing something to them, an intervention, be it a procedure or a medication, safety is critical.

Ben Rhodes
Ben Rhodes

In the Arab Spring, that obviously came to a head in Syria. I found myself arguing for intervention, mainly just because I wanted things to get better, and I had this germ of liberal humanitarian interventionism.

Benjamin Netanyahu
Benjamin Netanyahu

My level of intervention in the press, trying to control stories, is zero. Subzero.

Benjamin Spock
Benjamin Spock

I'm not a pacifist. I was very much for the war against Hitler and I also supported the intervention in Korea, but in this war we went in there to steal Vietnam.

Bianca Jagger
Bianca Jagger

I believe the only time when we can call for intervention is when there is an ongoing genocide.

Bill Bradley
Bill Bradley

At the end of the Cold War, the prevailing view in Washington was that the U.S. was strong, and Russia was weak and did not count in a unipolar world. We disregarded Russia's opposition to NATO expansion, the Iraq War, and the U.S.-led military intervention in Serbia for the independence of Kosovo.

Bill Frist
Bill Frist

This legislation confronts the human truth that the need for clean water knows no borders, and proper management and intervention can be a currency for peace and international cooperation.

Bill Maher
Bill Maher

Iraq now says that it will, after all, destroy its missiles. President Bush said, 'Please, I used to pull the same trick. There'd be an intervention, I'd make a big show of pouring out the liquor and then there was a case under the floorboards.'

Charles B. Rangel
Charles B. Rangel

As a Korean War Veteran, I know too well the troubling nature of war. This is why I will always support a diplomatic answer before military intervention.