Aaron Levie
Aaron Levie

I have a lot of faults. I often interrupt in meetings. I talk too loud. I talk too fast.

Aaron Swartz
Aaron Swartz

When I go to a library and I see the librarian at her desk reading, I'm afraid to interrupt her, even though she sits there specifically so that she may be interrupted, even though being interrupted for reasons like this by people like me is her very job.

Al Boliska
Al Boliska

Airline travel is hours of boredom interrupted by moments of stark terror.

Al Yankovic
Al Yankovic

Like, I have had moments, which I think most people have, where you'll be watching TV, and it'll be interrupted by some tragic event, and you'll actually find yourself thinking, 'I don't want to hear about this train being derailed! What happened to 'The Flintstones?'

Alan Ball
Alan Ball

I am so spoiled. I cannot watch a show where it gets interrupted for ads. I have to TiVo it and skip through the ads, because the culture of advertising is so false and phony that I just... ugh, you know?

Alexandra Adornetto
Alexandra Adornetto

Childhood is just this amazing place, and in my books, I was trying to express my concern about childhood being eroded. You have kids' TV programs being interrupted by terrorist attacks, and kids are exposed to so much these days.

Alison Krauss
Alison Krauss

That's what I love. Not being interrupted, sitting in a car by myself and listening to music in the rain. There are so many great songs yet to sing.

Amelia Earhart
Amelia Earhart

Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done.

Amy Landecker
Amy Landecker

You always hear actors say, 'Theater is my first love,' and it is. It's a time when you really get to do what you do, and there's not a lot of waiting around and interruption and not a lot of money involved - sometimes money really clouds the waters of creativity.

Amy Sedaris
Amy Sedaris

I'm not a good storyteller. I always think I'm going to get interrupted, or something's going to get edited. I think that comes from being in a large family, so you have to get your story in really quick or someone cuts you off.