Barbara Kruger
Barbara Kruger

Look, we're all saddled with things that make us better or worse. This world is a crazy place, and I've chosen to make my work about that insanity.

Barry Mann
Barry Mann

I think if one wants to be in a continual state of insanity one should stay married to that writing partner.

Ben Huh
Ben Huh

Get away from the place that makes you feel comfortable with your depression. The reality is it's never as bad as the insanity you've created in your head.

Billy Corgan
Billy Corgan

I was fantasising about my own death, I started thinking what my funeral would be like and what music would be played, I was at that level of insanity.

Bruce Feirstein
Bruce Feirstein

The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.

Christian Bale
Christian Bale

I do like taking stuff seriously that a lot of people look at as nonsense. I enjoy the insanity of that. And I like the commitment that is needed for that.

Christian Slater
Christian Slater

When I'm in the kitchen, I don't want anybody else in the kitchen. I have a system - and the system, it's another form of insanity that has grabbed me.

Clarice Taylor
Clarice Taylor

My family thought it was insanity for me to go into the theater rather than to get an education.

Cliff Burton
Cliff Burton

Control your life through insanity.

Courtney A. Kemp
Courtney A. Kemp

As a writer of fiction, you don't ever want to limit the characters you create to the life you've lived. That's insanity to me.