
Calliope: From that day forward, our boy Hercules could do no wrong. He was so hot, steam looked cool.


[seeing Hercules hiding from fans behind a curtain]
Meg: Let's see. What could be behind curtain number one?


[after Hercules cuts his way out of the Hydra's belly]
Hercules: See, Phil? That... that wasn't so hard.


[Hercules and Phil get on Pegasus and fly off. Hercules is distracted thinking of Meg]
Phil: Hey, watch it!
[dodges a branch]
Phil: Watch it!
[turns Hercules head]
Phil: Keep your goo goo eyes on the...
[another branch hits Phil, he falls off of Pegasus and hits his head on the ground]

Phil: [dizzy] That's it! Next time I drive...


[after arriving at the market]
Amphitryon; Hercules Foster Father: Now, Hercules, this time, please just...
Young Hercules: I know, I know.
[catches Penelope as she falls from the sky]
Young Hercules: "Stay by the cart."
Amphitryon; Hercules Foster Father: [sighs in relief] That's my boy.


Iolaus: General Sitacles, perhaps you would care to inspect the armour of Hercules?
Sitacles: [Tries on the armour] Leather armour? We will be skewered like pigs.
[Turns as Tydeus strikes him with an axe]
Iolaus: Linothorax. Hewn from the skin of the Erymanthean boar. It's indestructible.
Man in crowd: Wait. If it's

indestructible, how did Hercules cut It off the boar?
Iolaus: He used an indestructible blade.

Bee Movie
Bee Movie

Barry B. Benson: What in the name of mighty Hercules is this? How did this get here? Cute Bee? Golden Blossom? Ray Liotta Private Select?
Vanessa: What is he, an actor?
Barry B. Benson: I've never heard of him. What is this doing here?
Vanessa: For people. We eat it.
Barry B. Benson:

You eat it? You don't have enough food of your own? Where did you get this?
Vanessa: From bees. Bees make it...
Barry B. Benson: I know who makes it! And it's hard to make it! There's heating, and stirring, and there's this big krelman thing.
Vanessa: It's organic.
Barry B. Benson: It's *our* ganic!

Vanessa: It's just honey, Barry.
Barry B. Benson: It's just... What? This is our whole life, and you're taking it without permission! This is stealing! You're taking our homes, our schools, our hospitals... It's all we have! And it's on sale? I'm gonna get to the bottom of this. I'm gonna get to the bottom of all of it!


Elton John: My name is Elton Hercules John. And I'm an alcoholic. And a cocaine addict. And a sex addict. And a bulimic. Also a shopaholic and has problems with weed, prescription drugs and anger management.


Elton John: For as long as I can remember, I've hated myself. Believed I'd never be loved.
Counselor: Shows progress to take responsibility for your actions.
Elton John: Yeah, but I started acting like a cunt in 1975. I just forgot to stop.
Elton John: I do feel ashamed. Spent so long feeling

resentful for things that just don't matter.
Elton John: Maybe I should've tried to be more ordinary.
[an illusion of Ivy walks into the rehab counseling room]
Elton John: Hello, Nan.
Ivy: You was never ordinary.
Sheila: Look at you. In here, talking about your feelings. What a

waste of time.
Elton John: Mum, I know it was never easy. And I hope you can forgive me. Because I've realized that's what we need to do now. Forgive each other.
John Reid: No, your problem is you're selfish.
Elton John: No. My problem was I believed you loved me. And you're incapable of it. I gave everything to keep something

that I never even had in the first place.
Fred: I always thought you was an introverted extrovert.
Sheila: A what?
Ivy: He's shy. He's always been shy.
Sheila: It's all his father's fault.
Stanley: Don't blame me. He'd have been strange, regardless.

John: Actually, I think I'm okay with 'strange'.
Sheila: [looking at Stanley] God. Not him.
Elton John: Both of you. Stop. I'm not going to allow you to talk to me like this anymore.
Bernie Taupin: It's about time you said that.
Elton John: Bernie. I never told you how much I need you.

Bernie Taupin: No, no, no. I love you, man. Always have, always will. You write songs that millions of people love. And that's what's important. You just need to remember who you are, and be okay with it.
John Reid: He doesn't know who he is.
[Elton gets up and approaches Reid]
Elton John: Yes, I do. I'm Elton Hercules John.

Young Reggie: I thought you were Reggie Dwight.
[Elton turns around to face his younger self]
Elton John: I haven't been Reggie Dwight for years.
[Elton approaches his younger self in the center of the room and gets down on one knee. Young Reggie touches Elton's cheek]
Young Reggie: When are you going to hug me?

[Elton embraces Young Reggie]


Elton John: I'm Elton Hercules John.
Young Reggie: I thought you were Reggie Dwight.
Elton John: I haven't been Reggie Dwight for years.