The Wolf of Wall Street
The Wolf of Wall Street

Mark Hanna: You jerk off?
Jordan Belfort: Do I... Do I I jerk off? Yeah, yeah I jerk off. Yeah.
Mark Hanna: How many times a week?
Jordan Belfort: Like, um, three or four. Three or four times, maybe five.
Mark Hanna: Gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.

I myself, I jerk off at least twice a day.
Jordan Belfort: Wow.
Mark Hanna: Once in the morning, right after I work out, then once right after lunch.
Jordan Belfort: Really?
Mark Hanna: I want to. That's not why I do it. I do it 'cause I fucking *need* to. Think about it. You're dealing with numbers.

All day long, decimal points, high frequencies. Bang, bang, bang.
[imitates squeaking]
Mark Hanna: fucking digits. All very acidic above-the-shoulders mustard shit. All right? It kind of wigs some people out. Right? You gotta feed the geese to keep the blood flowing. I keep the rhythm below the belt.
Jordan Belfort: Done.

Hanna: This is not a tip, this is a prescription. Trust me. If you don't, you will fall out of balance, split your differential and tip the fuck over. Or worse yet, I've seen this happen, implode.
Jordan Belfort: No, I don't wanna implode, sir.
Mark Hanna: No. No, you don't.
Jordan Belfort: I'm in this for the long

run, you know?
Mark Hanna: Implosions are ugly. Pop off to the bathroom, work one out any time you can. When you get really good at it, you'll fucking be stroking and you'll be thinking about money.

The Lost World: Jurassic Park
The Lost World: Jurassic Park

Dr. Ian Malcolm: What's your background? Wildlife photography?
Nick Van Owen: Yeah. Wildlife, combat... you name it. When I was with Nightline, I was in Rwanda, Chechnya, all over Bosnia. Do some volunteer work for Greenpeace once in a while.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Greenpeace? What drew you there?
Nick Van Owen:

Women. 80 percent female, Greenpeace.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: That's noble.
Nick Van Owen: Yeah well, noble was last year. This year I'm getting paid. Hammond's check cleared, or I wouldn't be going on this wild goose chase...
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Uh, where you're going is the only place in the world where the geese chase *you*!

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Willy Wonka: [Showing off his geese that lay golden eggs] They're laying overtime right now, for Easter.
Mike Teevee: But Easter's over!
Willy Wonka: [clapping a hand over Mike's mouth] Ssshhh!
Willy Wonka: They don't know that. I'm trying to get ahead for next year.

Kiki's Delivery Service
Kiki's Delivery Service

Jiji: [On her way to deliver a toy cat, geese warn Kiki about a gust of wind; both Kiki and Jiji are caught in it and accidentally lose the cage in the forest after unintentionally agitating a crow] That was your fault. The geese were kind enough to warn us of that wind, but would you listen?
Kiki: Oh be quiet!