Miranda Hart
Miranda Hart

I want to be more physical and theatrical within the stand-up. There might be dance moments, and people better watch out - I will gallop.

Sonny Bill Williams
Sonny Bill Williams

If we're going to be getting treated like that, why can't we treat the clubs like that? I just want to see the game and the players looked after the way they should be because the crowds don't turn up to watch David Gallop play... they turn up to watch the players play.

Tim Cope
Tim Cope

I love the Altai Mountains. Crimea, despite all the conflict, is a remarkable place historically, culturally and physically. The mountains drop down into the sea. Porpoises swim in the shallows. Horses gallop through the grass. There are huge rocks, castles, caves.

Tyne Daly
Tyne Daly

In sixth and seventh grade, my two best friends and I pretended to be horses. Every day after school, we would gallop around, whinnying and stamping our hooves and tossing our manes - for hours.

Victoria Pendleton
Victoria Pendleton

Anyone that has been lucky enough to go to the races and witness the magnificent spectacle of a competitive race will know how people like me can instantly fall in love with the power and beauty of race horses in full gallop.

Back to the Future Part III
Back to the Future Part III

Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: You owe me money, blacksmith.
Doc: How do ya figure?
Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: My horse threw a shoe. And seein' as you was the one that done the shoein', I say that makes you responsible.
Doc: Well, since you never paid me for the job, I say that makes us even!

"Mad Dog" Tannen: Wrong! See I was *on* my horse when it threw the shoe and I got throwed *off*! And *that* caused me to bust a perfectly good bottle of fine Kentucky red-eye. So, the way I figure it, blacksmith, you owe me five dollars for the whiskey and $75 for the horse.
Marty McFly: [hoarsely] That's the $80.
Doc: Look! If your horse

threw a shoe, bring him back and I'll reshoe him!
Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: I done shot that horse!
Doc: Well, that's your problem, Tannen!
Buford "Mad Dog" Tannen: Wrong! That's yours. So, from now on, you better be lookin' behind you when you walk. 'Cause one day you're gonna get a bullet in your back.
[Buford and his

gang gallop away on their horses]

Scream 4
Scream 4

Sidney Prescott: This... you film your entire high school experience and what, post it on the 'net?
Robbie: Everybody will be doing it some day.
Charlie Walker: It's kind of the one component the killer is missing.
Gale Weathers-Riley: Wait, what do you mean?
Charlie Walker: Well, if

you wanna be the new, new version, the killer should be filming the murders.
Robbie: Yeah, it's like the natural next step in the psycho-slasher innovation. I mean you film them all real-time and before you get caught, you upload them into cyberspace.
Charlie Walker: Making your art as immortal as you.
Charlie Walker:

[speaking same time as Robbie] Not to implicate him.
Robbie: [speaking same time as Charlie] Not to implicate me.
Sidney Prescott: So who do you think is doing the murders.
Charlie Walker: Well, it's a Stab fanatic clearly. Working on less of a Shrequel and more of a Screamake.
Robbie: Copyright terms,

by the way.
Charlie Walker: Cause all there are now are remakes. Only horror studios green-light. I mean, there are still rules, but the rules have changed. The unexpected is the new cliche.
Robbie: Yeah, you gotta have an opening sequence, that blows the doors off, gallop some music video direction and the kill's gotta be way more extreme.

Charlie Walker: Modern audiences get sappy to the rules of the original. So, the reverse has become the new standard. In fact, the only sure-fire way to survive a modern horror movie, you pretty much gotta be gay.
Gale Weathers-Riley: So, why are you so sure that the killer is working by the rules of a horror remake?

Robbie: Well, the original Stab structure is pretty apparent.
Charlie Walker: Yeah, two kids killed in a house when their parents are away?
Robbie: And, then the school's 'hot chick' savage beyond recognition.
Charlie Walker: We all know where it goes from there...?
Sidney Prescott: A

Charlie Walker: Exactly. A party. Guaranteed third-act-main-cast bloodbath.
Robbie: Fingers crossed on some nudity for a change.