Amy Wax
Amy Wax

The black community has fallen into this horribly dysfunctional equilibrium.

Andie MacDowell
Andie MacDowell

I don't know that anyone comes from a truly functional family.

Andrea Roth
Andrea Roth

If all the shows on television were about happy, functional relationships, first of all I don't know how many role models there are out there, sadly. And secondly, who would watch? Drama is conflict.

Andrew Cuomo
Andrew Cuomo

I was elected to come to an incredibly dysfunctional capital and make the government work better, and that's what I'm doing.

Andrew Strauss
Andrew Strauss

Grief is a bit of a journey, and it is evolving all the time but I am very functional.

Andrew Weil
Andrew Weil

Clearly, America's dysfunctional food culture must bear some of the blame for our excess pounds, but it's likely our walking-averse lifestyles contribute as well.

Andrew Yang
Andrew Yang

In some environments, roles shift and change each period depending on what the company's needs are. On the other hand, many functional roles can become very repetitive if you perform similar tasks over and over again.

Chelan Simmons
Chelan Simmons

My husband and I own a CrossFit Gym. Crossfit is perfect for me because it's always competitive, all the workouts are in a class environment, and it's different every day. It's a constantly varied functional fitness workout done with intensity.

Chesa Boudin
Chesa Boudin

There's an awful lot about our criminal justice system that is dysfunctional. Everyone who sets foot in a criminal courtroom will see myriad ways the system is dysfunctional.

Chloe Sevigny
Chloe Sevigny

I bought a pair of Birkenstocks today - let's be real. I wanted a chunky sandal that was functional. That should tell you where I am at as far as fashion.