Jessie James Decker
Jessie James Decker

For me, my one thing is eyelash extensions. I always have them on cause they just do all the work and let everything look better. If I have eyelash extensions on, I will put on some under eye concealer and maybe, like, an illuminating moisturizer and call it a day.

Jillian Hervey
Jillian Hervey

I kept extensions in until I finished high school. Although, once I got to college, that's when it all started to shift. I think it was just growing up and moving to New York, where I saw so many different people, vibes, and looks, and everyone really owned it. That led me to feel more free, take more risks, and go back into my natural hair.

Jim Ross
Jim Ross

It has been my experience that the greatest performers in the genre of sports-entertainment are usually natural extensions of their own, true personality.

Joan Collins
Joan Collins

We live in a quick-fix society where we need instant gratification for everything. Too fat? Get lipo-sucked. Stringy hair? Glue on extensions. Wrinkles and lines? Head to the beauty shop for a pot of the latest miracle skin stuff. It's all a beautiful £1 billion con foisted upon insecure women by canny cosmetic conglomerates.

John Cabrera
John Cabrera

Netflix and Hulu are just extensions of television that live on the Web.

John Guare
John Guare

What we're dealt with hopefully is two arms, two eyes, two legs, a head, a heart. The variations, the extensions, the possibilities of the human body, what that can do.

John Moody
John Moody

Yet, in 1850 nearly all the railroads in the United States lay east of the Mississippi River, and all of them, even when they were physically mere extensions of one another, were separately owned and separately managed.

John Searle
John Searle

Our tools are extensions of our purposes, and so we find it natural to make metaphorical attributions of intentionality to them; but I take it no philosophical ice is cut by such examples.

Jon Landau
Jon Landau

The Rolling Stones are constantly changing, but beneath the changes they remain the most formal of rock bands. Their successive releases have been continuous extensions of their approach, not radical redefinitions, as has so often been the case with the Beatles.

Justine Skye
Justine Skye

Growing up, it was always a huge battle with my mom to let me color my hair or add extensions.