Amy Irving
Amy Irving

Actors are not a great breed of people, I don't think. I count myself as something of an exception. I grew up in the theater, and my values were about the work, and not being a star or anything like that. I'm not spoiled in that way, and if I fight for something, it's about the work, not about how big my trailer is.

Amy Irving
Amy Irving

In the U.S., with very few exceptions, actresses older than 35 are simply discarded.

Amy Wax
Amy Wax

Many, indeed most, inhabitants of the Third World, don't necessarily share our ideas and beliefs; others pay lip service, but don't really comprehend them. There are exceptions of course, but most people are not exceptional.

Andre Iguodala
Andre Iguodala

With the exception of maybe Vegas or Miami once or twice, other than that, it's all the same to me. I can't hear anything in the club with the loud music, so you're in there, and you're like, 'I can't hear you because of the loud music.' I hate that, yelling back and forth. And I don't drink, so it's kind of pointless.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador

It is not true that Pena is 20 points above me. It's part of the management of the regime. They have control of the media, with few exceptions.

Andrew Breitbart
Andrew Breitbart

I've met many journalists who impress me with their ability to play it straight. I think they're the exception to the rule.

Andrew Cherng
Andrew Cherng

The Panda mission really speaks to our philosophy. It is, 'Deliver exceptional Asian dining experiences by building an organization where people are inspired to better their lives.' I'm talking about everyone who works at Panda. They're inspired to better their own lives.

Andrew Clements
Andrew Clements

There's so much made of the exceptional and the celebrity, the famous, and the wannabees.

Andrew Coyle Bradley
Andrew Coyle Bradley

A Shakespearean tragedy as so far considered may be called a story of exceptional calamity leading to the death of a man in high estate. But it is clearly much more than this, and we have now to regard it from another side.

Chloe Madeley
Chloe Madeley

Mum is withdrawn and very shy. I don't see her as a friend, like I do my dad. He's active and bouncy. She's maternal, nurturing, exceptionally intelligent and empathetic. I'm a better person for having had her as a mother.