Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter

Confiscatory taxation enforced by threat of imprisonment is 'stealing,' a practice strongly frowned upon by our Creator.

Anthea Butler
Anthea Butler

Forgiveness became a big part of the civil rights movement, juxtaposed against the violence of protesters and law enforcement. King described forgiveness in one of his early sermons as a pardon, a process of life, and the Christian weapon of social redemption.

Anthony Scaramucci
Anthony Scaramucci

Poorly negotiated and lazily enforced trade deals have caused jobs to flee the heartland.

Antonio Villaraigosa
Antonio Villaraigosa

The fact is this is a great country because we've always embraced immigrants. The fact is we have every right to enforce our borders and to protect them, but we also need to provide a pathway for citizenship.

Arancha Gonzalez
Arancha Gonzalez

Laws matter. With effective implementation and enforcement, good laws can nudge forward positive changes in social and cultural mores.

Arianna Huffington
Arianna Huffington

It feels like we have two threads running through our lives: one pulling us into the world to achieve, the other pulling us back to replenish us. These threads can seem at odds, but really, they enforce each other. It's not a trade-off between success and sleep.

Asa Hutchinson
Asa Hutchinson

To argue that it is unconstitutional for local law enforcement to be a legitimate partner in immigration enforcement is shortsighted. It is evidence of a lack of commitment to securing our borders and a lack of appreciation for the proper role of the states in supporting federal law enforcement priorities.

Charles B. Rangel
Charles B. Rangel

No American should live in fear of going to work or sending their kids to school. Let's end the fear. Let's enforce existing gun laws.

Charles Boustany
Charles Boustany

The tax code's complexity adds enormous costs to families and businesses across the country and takes nothing short of an army of federal bureaucrats to enforce.

Charles Murray
Charles Murray

The government cannot enforce its mountain of laws and regulations without voluntary compliance.