Andrew Solomon
Andrew Solomon

People still ask my husband and me which of us is the mom - which, as one lesbian friend pointed out to me, is like asking which chopstick is the fork. This pressure on us to embody normative traditions can be paralysing.

Anna D. Shapiro
Anna D. Shapiro

The one thing that never changes in America is that the white straight male is born with a promise. Women are not promised very much, and we embody our disappointment from the beginning.

Anne Michaels
Anne Michaels

Fiction allows you to embody certain ideas and give them an emotional reality. The characters allow you to get close viscerally to an idea.


I used to do a show in New York that was loosely based around celebrity impersonations. I know what it takes to embody someone.

Austin Aries
Austin Aries

Nobody walks through life as a pure babyface per se or a pure heel, we all have shades of grey, and there's some days we're a little better than others, and some days we're a little more ornery. And I think that I just embody that.

Bill Drayton
Bill Drayton

Entrepreneurs almost always have to step out of existing institutions that embody old ways of doing things to build their vision.

Catriona Gray
Catriona Gray

Philippines, what an amazing honor it has been to carry your name across my chest and to embody you in all aspects.

CeeLo Green
CeeLo Green

I'm not trying to emulate or imitate. But I do believe that I embody that spirit from Robert Johnson on up.

Charlie Pierce
Charlie Pierce

As he enters his final term, with the elegiac music playing out there in the distance, Barack Obama will use the history that he has come to embody and, perhaps, even to fulfill, as part of a larger project that never will be completed but only finished, over and over again.

Christine and the Queens
Christine and the Queens

The way I dress definitely helps me embody and actually change my way of behaving and feel more confident.