Myles Kennedy
Myles Kennedy

One of the key emotions a lot of people seem to be feeling is disillusionment, and what I try to do as a lyricist is touch on these emotions.

Ralph Adams Cram
Ralph Adams Cram

The Great War was a progressive revelation and disillusionment.

Ray Kurzweil
Ray Kurzweil

If we look at the life cycle of technologies, we see an early period of over-enthusiasm, then a 'bust' when disillusionment sets in, followed by the real revolution.

Vincent McNabb
Vincent McNabb

That mystic clasp of love lies not on the threshold but at the end of spiritual life, and can be reached for the most part only after much spiritual exercising, many denials, self-denials, watchings, and, it may be, the Cross of pain and disillusionment.

Woody Harrelson
Woody Harrelson

I related to his disillusionment. Thinking that he was going for this big dream. Then he kind of saw through it all at one point and went back home. Then he started a bender, which I can relate to of course.