Elizabeth Diller
Elizabeth Diller

We were kind of arrogant when we started and became really humbled as we were doing architecture. It's really hard to work with budgets and deadlines and all of these collaborators and all of these voices and special interests.

Emilio Estevez
Emilio Estevez

There is no doubt that directing television has helped hone my directing skills. What television teaches you is to be efficient and to think on your feet. You have to adhere to strict deadlines and budget constraints.

Frank Zappa
Frank Zappa

Without music to decorate it, time is just a bunch of boring production deadlines or dates by which bills must be paid.

George R. R. Martin
George R. R. Martin

I've never been good with deadlines. My early novels, I wrote by myself. No one knew I was writing a novel; I didn't have a contract.

Graham Brown
Graham Brown

Writing itself is a dream. There are days of self doubt and deadlines and wondering how you're going to pay the bills until you write that bestseller. But it's still the best job I've ever had. I've also been able to help a lot of people and even inspire a few and that feels great.

Harold Prince
Harold Prince

Artistic self-indulgence is the mark of an amateur. The temptation to make scenes, to appear late, to call in sick, not to meet deadlines, not to be organized, is at heart a sign of your own insecurity and at worst the sign of an amateur.

Harry Shearer
Harry Shearer

I am one of those people who thrive on deadlines, nothing brings on inspiration more readily than desperation.

Harvey Mackay
Harvey Mackay

Deadlines aren't bad. They help you organize your time. They help you set priorities. They make you get going when you might not feel like it.

Henry Rollins
Henry Rollins

Please don't think that I am one of those squishy types who can't handle reality. I have plenty of real-world things to deal with all the time. I have deadlines, meetings, I answer the phone, I get turned down, I wait in lines and am forced to pass for normal all the time.

Henry Rollins
Henry Rollins

We city dwellers, we residents of Los Angeles and the surrounding areas, are for the most part urbanized to some extent. We know deadlines, start times and traffic.