Al Franken
Al Franken

Demagoguery sells. And therefore radio stations will put it on. But that doesn't mean that you can't do something else and also make it sell. You know, when I look at an Ann Coulter or I look at a Rush or I look at a Sean Hannity, I think to myself, 'What kind of self-image do you have?'

Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter

If a university official's letter accusing a speaker of having a proclivity to commit speech crimes before she's given the speech - which then leads to Facebook postings demanding that Ann Coulter be hurt, a massive riot and a police-ordered cancellation of the speech - is not hate speech, then there is no such thing as hate speech.

Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter

My whole career has been an Ann Coulter roast.

Dana Perino
Dana Perino

Ann Coulter is very popular. She has got a niche. She is a best selling author, but she does not represent Republican women.

Henry Rollins
Henry Rollins

America is off-the-hook gay. I will not go all Ann Coulter on you and say, 'Our gays are better than their gays,' but as far as countries go, we are in-your-face gay.

Joy Behar
Joy Behar

I interviewed Ann Coulter when I was sitting in for Larry King a couple of times, and we have a rapport. I like to talk to her.


The progressive movement needs more crazy and amoral/immoral right-wing politicians and pundits like Tom DeLay and Newt Gingrich and Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity.

The Golden Compass
The Golden Compass

Ragnar Sturlusson: What is this little thing?
Lyra Belacqua: Our greetings to you, Great King, or rather my greetings and not his.
Ragnar Sturlusson: Not whose?
Lyra Belacqua: Iorek Byrnison's, your majesty.
Ragnar Sturlusson: What have you to do with lorek Byrnison?

Belacqua: I'm Iorek Byrnison's daemon.
Ragnar Sturlusson: How has the exiled, the unworthy Iorek Byrnison obtained a daemon?
Lyra Belacqua: Iorek Byrnison was the first bear to receive a daemon, but it should have been you. They gave me to him at Bolvangar. Mrs. Coulter did.
Ragnar Sturlusson: How can you be so far

from him?
Lyra Belacqua: I'm like a witch's daemon, Great King. I can go as far from him as I please.
Ragnar Sturlusson: Well, if you are his daemon, then I will kill you right now and be free of an enemy!
Lyra Belacqua: If you do that, I can never be your daemon.
Ragnar Sturlusson: My demon?

Lyra Belacqua: That's why I come here, see. Cause' I want to be your daemon, not his. He's just an exile, nothing. But you? You're powerful, and clever,and rich, and better in every way. He's on his way here now to fight you.
Ragnar Sturlusson: What? He's mad. We shall destroy him!
Lyra Belacqua: No. If you defeat him, I will become

your daemon. But you must defeat him in single combat. And all his strength will flow into yours. And my mind will flow into your mind. You and me together. Have him killed any other way, I'll just go out like a light and you'll never have a demon.
Ragnar Sturlusson: Prove it. Prove to me that you are a demon.
Lyra Belacqua: Ask me something only you

Ragnar Sturlusson: How did I become king?

The Golden Compass
The Golden Compass

Lyra Belacqua: [as Mrs. Coulter tries to comfort her] No! Don't you touch!
Marisa Coulter: No one is going to hurt you. No one is ever, ever going to hurt you.
Lyra Belacqua: They did it to Billy and those other kids. They cut their demons away. Why? Why are they doing that?
Marisa Coulter: I know it's

difficult to understand, but it's for their own good. It's just a little cut. Now, you listen. A long long time ago,some of our ancestors made a terrible mistake. They disobeyed the authority and that is what made dust came into the world. And ever since then, we've been sick with it. Been sick with dust. But there is a way out. You see, Dust doesn't settle on little children. It's later when your

demon begins to settle. The Dust begins to swarm all around us,working its mixture and that is how children begin to have all sorts of nasty thoughts and unhappy feelings, but there is a way to stop it.
Lyra Belacqua: Well, if it's so good, then why didn't you do it yourself? Why didn't you let them do it to me?
Marisa Coulter: I'm going to tell you

something. Something very important, something you don't know. Intercision isn't perfect yet, and you're not just anyone, Lyra. Your mother didn't die in an airship accident as you were told. She wasn't married to your father and even though and even though she loved you very much and she wanted to keep you. It wasn't allowed. So you were taken from her, and it wasn't until things changed... and

she was free to do as she wanted... That she went to Jordan College and spoke to the Master.
Lyra Belacqua: No! You can't be!
[gets out of the bed and walks a few meters away from Mrs. Coulter]
Marisa Coulter: Yes, Lyra. You're mine. And you're safe with me. You'll always be safe with me.
Lyra Belacqua: Who's my father?

[She took a minute to figure out, then she finally guesses who her father is]
Lyra Belacqua: Lord Asriel? He's my father, isn't he?
Marisa Coulter: Yes. Yes.

The Golden Compass
The Golden Compass

Lyra Belacqua: Our greetings to you, Great King, or rather my greetings and not his.
Ragnar Sturlusson: Not whose?
Lyra Belacqua: Iorek Byrnison's, your majesty.
Ragnar Sturlusson: [growls] What have you to do with Iorek Byrnison?
Lyra Belacqua: I'm Iorek Byrnison's daemon.

Ragnar Sturlusson: How has the exiled, the unworthy Iorek Byrnison obtained a daemon?
Lyra Belacqua: Iorek Byrnison was the first bear to receive a daemon, but it should have been you. They gave me to him at Bolvangar. Mrs. Coulter did.
Ragnar Sturlusson: How can you be so far from him?
Lyra Belacqua: I'm like

a witch's daemon, Great King. I can go as far from him as I please.
Ragnar Sturlusson: [growls] Well, if you are his daemon, then I will kill you right now and be free of an enemy!
Lyra Belacqua: If you do that, I can never be your demon.
Ragnar Sturlusson: My demon?
Lyra Belacqua: That's why I come

here, see. Cause' I want to be your daemon, not his. He's just an exile, nothing. But you? You're powerful, and clever, and rich, and better in every way. He's on his way here now to fight you.
Ragnar Sturlusson: What? He's mad. We shall destroy him!
Lyra Belacqua: No. If you defeat him, I will become your daemon. But you must defeat him in single

combat. And all his strength will flow into yours. And my mind will flow into your mind. You and me together. Have him killed any other way, I'll just go out like a light and you'll never have a daemon.
Ragnar Sturlusson: Prove it. Prove to me that you are a daemon.
Lyra Belacqua: Ask me something only you know.

Sturlusson: How did I become king?
[Then, Lyra takes out the golden compass after she sits down]
Ragnar Sturlusson: What is that?
Lyra Belacqua: It's a daemon mirror, Great King. We daemons use it to see the truth in our own eyes.