Gilbert K. Chesterton
Gilbert K. Chesterton

When we really worship anything, we love not only its clearness but its obscurity. We exult in its very invisibility.

Henri Frederic Amiel
Henri Frederic Amiel

The man who insists upon seeing with perfect clearness before he decides, never decides. Accept life, and you must accept regret.


The chief virtue that language can have is clearness, and nothing detracts from it so much as the use of unfamiliar words.

John Gresham Machen
John Gresham Machen

I see with greater and greater clearness that consistent Christianity is the easiest Christianity to defend.

John Woolman
John Woolman

My heart hath often been deeply afflicted under a feeling that the standard of pure righteousness is not lifted up to the people by us, as a society, in that clearness which it might have been, had we been as faithful as we ought to be to the teachings of Christ.

Luc De Clapiers
Luc De Clapiers

Clearness ornaments profound thoughts.

Legends of the Fall
Legends of the Fall

[First lines]
One Stab: Some people hear their own inner voices with great clearness and they live by what they hear. Such people become crazy, or they become legends.