The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries

Queen Clarisse Renaldi: You are princess of Genovia.
Mia: Me, a princess?
Mia: Shut up!
Queen Clarisse Renaldi: I beg your pardon, "Shut up"?
Consulate Maitre'D: Oh, your majesty, in America, it doesn't always mean to be quiet. Here it could mean "Wow, gee whiz, golly


The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries

Queen Clarisse Renaldi: Where is she going?
Helen Thermopolis: The tower.
[getting up from the table and going after Mia]
Helen Thermopolis: Mia, You can't run from everything!
Queen Clarisse Renaldi: She has a tower?

The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries

Queen Clarisse Renaldi: Amelia, you look so... young.
Mia: Thank you. And you look so...
[long pause]
Mia: ... clean.

The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries

Queen Clarisse Renaldi: Goodbye, trolley people!

The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries

Queen Clarisse Renaldi: Helen, if Amelia refuses to accept the throne, then Genovia will cease to exist as we know it.
Helen Thermopolis: So the future of your country is in the hands of my 15-year-old?

The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries

Helen Thermopolis: This is getting us nowhere! Talk to me!
Mia: I can't talk to you right now; I'm late for a meeting with my guidance counselor.
Queen Clarisse Renaldi: I'm late for a meeting with Spain and *Portugal*!

The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries

Helen Thermopolis: Mia, the-the three of us have to talk.
Mia: Oh, OK. Um, is there maybe something else about me and my life that just maybe I might want to know about? Um-oh no, are you two waiting to take me on a talk show somewhere and to let me know I have a twin sister who's a duchess?
Queen Clarisse Renaldi: You have a cousin

who's a contessa. Fondly known as Bartholomew. Actually, we call him Pookie.

The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries

Queen Clarisse Renaldi: [teaching Mia to walk like a princess] We don't slump like this!
[slumps past the doorway]

The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries

Mia: Now, what did you want to tell me?
Queen Clarisse Renaldi: Something that, I think, will have a very big impact upon your life.
Mia: I already have braces.
Queen Clarisse Renaldi: No, it's bigger than orthodontia.

The Princess Diaries
The Princess Diaries

Queen Clarisse Renaldi: So, where are you taking me?
Mia: Well, uh, do you have any change?
Queen Clarisse Renaldi: No. It's not appropriate for royalty to jingle.
Mia: Okay, I'll get the change.
[cuts to a game arcade]