Debra Fischer
Debra Fischer

In 1999, my team discovered that the star Upsilon Andromedae was circled by three gas-giant planets - the first distant multiplanet system ever found. That same year, other researchers observed the first 'transit' of an exoplanet - a planet blocking out a small fraction of the starlight as it passes in front of the star.

Dominic Raab
Dominic Raab

We have seen too many arbitrary Strasbourg diktats based on the whims of European judges - from prisoner voting to blocking deportation of Abu Qatada - rather than a sober reading of the sensible list of core freedoms in the European Convention itself.

Edwin Jackson
Edwin Jackson

They tried to put me at tight end once, but I would end up just blocking people when they were actually trying to throw the ball to me. I was probably in middle school. It just didn't stick. Except on running plays.

Eve Torres
Eve Torres

As far as lighting and blocking, camera angles and facial expressions, all that stuff that has to be very specific in film, as opposed to in wrestling where everything is larger than life and you're performing to the masses.

Ezekiel Elliott
Ezekiel Elliott

I'm a guy that can play three downs. You don't have to take me off the field. I value blocking.

Ezra Taft Benson
Ezra Taft Benson

Young people especially sometimes feel that the standards of the Lord are like fences and chains, blocking them from those activities that seem most enjoyable in life.

Fatos Nano
Fatos Nano

Albania, Macedonia and Greece have managed to create a good partnership in the south of the Continent and are making progress in blocking the spread of the conflict. But any spillover could destroy this European-oriented partnership and create problems for the European Union countries themselves.

Frank Gore
Frank Gore

When it's time to play, I'm going to come play. I'm going to play the right way. I'm going to try to help my team in all directions, blocking and catching. If I don't have the ball in my hand, I'm going to protect, block down the field. I'm going to do whatever it takes to win.

Giannis Antetokounmpo
Giannis Antetokounmpo

I like to score when I can, but if I can't do that, I like to do the other things - defense, blocking, rebounding.

Greta Gerwig
Greta Gerwig

When I did plays in high school and college, I never remember memorizing my lines, but once I had blocking, I had all my lines memorized. Once I had movement associated with words, it was fine. Before I had blocking, it was just text on a page. Once it became embodied, it was much easier.