Will Ferrell
Will Ferrell

When you look at someone like Sacha Baron Cohen, you have to really respect the boundaries he is pushing as Bruno or Borat.

Toy Story 3
Toy Story 3

Buttercup: My name's Buttercup. You've met Baron von Shush.

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Butler: [Answering door] Yes?
Indiana Jones: [Scottish accent] Not before time! did you intend to leave us standing on the doorstep all day? we're drenched
[sneezes in butler's face]
Indiana Jones: Now look, I've gone and caught a sniffle
Butler: Are you expected?
Indiana Jones:

Don't take that tone with me my good man! Now buttle off and tell Baron Brunwald that Lord Clarence McDonald and his lovely assistant
[Drags Elsa towards him]
Indiana Jones: are here to view the tapestries
Butler: Tapestries?
Indiana Jones: The old man is dense, this is a castle isn't it? there are tapestries

Butler: This is a castle and we have many tapestries, and if you are a Scottish lord then I am Mickey Mouse!
Indiana Jones: How dare he?
[punches butler in face]

The Incredibles
The Incredibles

Lucius: [Bob and Lucius are sitting in a parked car, reminiscing] So now I'm in deep trouble. I mean, one more jolt of this death ray and I'm an epitaph. Somehow I manage to find cover and what does Baron von Ruthless do?
Bob: [laughing] He starts monologuing.
Lucius: He starts monologuing! He starts like, this prepared speech about

how *feeble* I am compared to him, how *inevitable* my defeat is, how *the world* *will soon* *be his*, yadda yadda yadda.
Bob: Yammering.
Lucius: Yammering! I mean, the guy has me on a platter and he won't shut up!


Mike Rezendes: We got Law. This is it.
Walter 'Robby' Robinson: No, this is Law covering for one priest, there's another ninety out there.
Mike Rezendes: Yeah, and we'll print that story when we get it, but we got to go with this now.
Walter 'Robby' Robinson: No, I'm not going to rush this story, Mike.

Mike Rezendes: We don't have a choice, Robby. If we don't rush to print, somebody else is going to find these letters and butcher this story. Joe Quimby from the Herald was at the freaking courthouse!
Walter 'Robby' Robinson: Mike.
Mike Rezendes: What? Why are we hesitating? Baron told us to get Law. This is Law.

Walter 'Robby' Robinson: Baron told us to get the system. We need the full scope. That's the only thing that will put an end to this.
Mike Rezendes: Then let's take it up to Ben and let him decide.
Walter 'Robby' Robinson: We'll take it to Ben when I say it's time.
Mike Rezendes: It's time, Robby! It's time!

They knew and they let it happen! To KIDS! Okay? It could have been you, it could have been me, it could have been any of us. We gotta nail these scumbags! We gotta show people that nobody can get away with this; Not a priest, or a cardinal or a freaking pope!


Pete Conley: You know, you got a lot of people here who respect you, Robby.
Walter 'Robby' Robinson: Oh, well..
Pete Conley: The work you do.
Walter 'Robby' Robinson: That's good to know.
Pete Conley: Well, it's 'cause you care about this place.
Walter 'Robby'

Robinson: Yeah.
Pete Conley: It's why you do what you do. It's who you are. You know, but people need the Church more than ever right now. You know, you can feel it. And the cardinal, um... you know, the cardinal, he might not be perfect. But we can't throw out all the good he's doing over a few bad apples. Now, you know, I'm bringing this up to you because I know

this is Baron's idea. His agenda. I gotta tell you, I mean, honest to God, I mean, he doesn't care about this city the way we do. I mean, how could he?
Walter 'Robby' Robinson: This is how it happens, isn't it, Pete?
Pete Conley: What's that?
Walter 'Robby' Robinson: A guy leans on a guy, and suddenly the whole town just looks

the other way.
Pete Conley: Robby. Robby. Lookit. Marty Baron is just trying to make his mark. He's gonna be here for a couple of years and he's gonna move on. Just like he did in New York and Miami. Where are you gonna go?

Ocean's Twelve
Ocean's Twelve

Terry Benedict: [on the cell phone, talking to Baron Francois Toulour] Who do you think you're dealing with? Nothing costs nothing.

Inside Man
Inside Man

Madeliene White: You know, there's a famous saying by the Baron de Rothschild, 'When there's blood in the streets, buy property.'

Batman Returns
Batman Returns

Bruce Wayne: Let me ask you something, Why'd you come tonight?
Selina Kyle: You first.
Bruce Wayne: To see you.
Selina Kyle: That's lovely, and I really wish I could say the same. But, I came for Max.
Bruce Wayne: What do you mean, you and... not you and Max?

Kyle: [laughs maniacally] No. not me and Max...
[reaches down and pull a pistol out of her garter]
Selina Kyle: *this* and Max!
Bruce Wayne: [Frantically tries to cover the pistol]
Selina Kyle: Now *don't* give me a "Killing Max won't solve anything" speech, because it will. Aren't you tired of this

sanctimonious robber baron always coming out on top, when he should be six feet under?
Bruce Wayne: Look, you may have problems with your boss, but who do you think you are?
Selina Kyle: [sighs, laughs] I don't know anymore, Bruce.
[laughs again. They kiss]

Kingdom of Heaven
Kingdom of Heaven

Godfrey of Ibelin: Be without fear in the face of your enemies. Be brave and upright that God may love thee. Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death. Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong. That is your oath.
Godfrey of Ibelin: [cuffs Balian with the back of his hand] And that's so you remember it.
Hospitaller: Arise a

knight and Baron of Ibelin.