Adam Cohen
Adam Cohen

Serving up ads based on behavioral targeting can itself be an invasion of privacy, especially when the information used is personal.

Adam Cole
Adam Cole

I think it's fun to fantasize about the idea of NXT and ROH butting heads and seeing which one will do better, especially with WWE looking at ROH guys to hire.

Adam Conover
Adam Conover

Millennials are always on their phones and it's running their lives, but you know who is also on their phones? Moms and Dads and also some dogs... everyone is on their phone all the time.

Adam Conover
Adam Conover

I don't claim to have all the answers; after all, I'm just a comedian who reads a lot.

Adam D'Angelo
Adam D'Angelo

There's a lot of information that has been in peoples' heads and hasn't gotten onto the Internet. Even as the Web has gotten really big, there's just been this gap. So we made Quora as a general place for people to share knowledge of all kinds.

Adam D'Angelo
Adam D'Angelo

We want Quora to last forever, and in order to last forever, it's going to need to have revenue. One of the best things about ads is that you don't need to exclude anyone.

Adam Driver
Adam Driver

With brain and body, it's great if you have a connection between the two, but when separated, that leads to a lot of conflict.

Adam Lashinsky
Adam Lashinsky

What makes Samsung so mysterious is that it's not altogether clear who leads the company or what its leaders do. The company follows an avowedly Confucian model of consensus-driven decision-making, values bone-crushingly hard work, and shows tremendous deference to the founding Lee family, despite its lack of a controlling interest in its shares.

Adam Michnik
Adam Michnik

I do know that you have to choose between the logic of reconciliation and the logic of justice. Pure justice leads to new civil war. I prefer the negotiable revolution.

Adam McKay
Adam McKay

Sony is the coolest studio. They are really amazing. I think part of it comes from they're not an American corporation. They don't work by quite the same rules. And their studio heads have a lot of autonomy.