Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

The necessity of defining the enemy also leads to the necessity of defining who we are.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

Despite all the evidence that Hispanics are not single-issue voters, Republican candidates are told that if they say harsh things about sanctuary cities, American jobs lost to illegal labor, or scandalous border security, Latino voters will punish them by voting Democrat.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

Political conservatives need to recognize that multicultural politics is converging with leftist politics, and not only on 'social issues' like same-sex marriage. Our Constitution is also on the chopping block, and if you don't see that, you haven't been paying attention.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

If you think data about illegal alien crime is hidden from public, just try to find information on the contagious diseases brought across our borders by illegal aliens from nearly 100 countries.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

The genius of Rachel Dolezal's transracial achievement is that it has nearly limitless applications. Rachel is taking 'the power of positive thinking' to a whole new level.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

Our secular culture is adrift in a sea of relativism, escapism, and self-indulgent inanities, with our media and entertainment elites leading the parade.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

The reality is that we can no longer sleep soundly at night thinking that if we keep the terrorists 'out there,' we are safe inside our homes and offices. That illusion is gone.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

Organized hatred needs a single target to serve political mobilization, so no distractions can be allowed.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

The Republican Party looks at massive immigration, legal and illegal, as a source of cheap labor, satisfying a very important constituency.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

The issue of remittances where we have millions of Mexicans working in the United States sending back dollars. He said they send back 10 billion dollars a year.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

In 2002, a year after 9-11, as a Congressman, I was banned from the White House by Karl Rove because I told the 'Washington Times' that if there is another terrorist attack on our homeland and we have done nothing more than Bush has done to date, 'Bush will have blood on his hands.'

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

The Democratic Party looks at massive immigration, legal and illegal, as a source of voters.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

We can control our borders, we just choose not too.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

Because the worst of all worlds is when you pretend like you have an immigration policy, you make coming into the United States without our permission illegal, and then you actually don't enforce it.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

If we in fact were to begin enforcing the law against people who are hiring people who are here illegally, we would go a long way towards eliminating the problem.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

You know, I'm a Republican, I'm a Conservative, I voted for George Bush.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

He can fight terrorists overseas, but he leaves our borders so they can come in here and do their thing.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

This issue, if not addressed, leaves any President, including George Bush, open to the criticism that they are essentially ignoring the destruction of the nation and I believe that with all my heart.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

We have terrorists coming into the country both through our Northern and Southern borders.

Tom Tancredo
Tom Tancredo

In fact, the place where we have indicted more terrorists or potential terrorists, is our Northern border.