Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

'Animal House' was sort of the first real, contemporary, youthful voice of the baby boom generation. It spoke to that audience, and it spoke to that part of me which was saying, 'Out with the old, in with the new.'

Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

Acting requires emotional flexibility and demands, and directing is more cerebral and managerial and a tactical kind of thing.

Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

I was directing as a kid in movies, and that was always my strongest interest. When I was under contract at Universal, I conned an editing room out of them and spent my money to rent a camera and shoot film and make some movies.

Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

When I was a kid, at Disneyland, they used to sell Animation Cels for $5.00 at a Fantasyland store. They were called Courvoisier Cels. I was too young to be aware of just how cool that really was.

Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

Vice president is the bridesmaid, and nobody cares about you. Nobody wants you. You're just in the way. You're there to play a subsidiary role. You're like the middle child or the poor relation.

Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

Reagan was the conservative Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

I like thrillers. That's a genre that I'm really taken with. I love Hitchcock, that thriller style. I'm a student of it.

Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

If I was asked to do a film that was just trying to sell a political point of view or religious point of view, I wouldn't do that because that's a bad script.

Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

I went to the prom with a girlfriend of my sister's, a platonic date.

Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

My life honestly didn't start until I got married and had kids.

Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

I enjoy making feature films, but I'd rather be in a good TV series than mediocre movies.

Tim Matheson
Tim Matheson

Anything is better than sitting around waiting for the right movie to come along. I lose my edge when I'm sitting around the pool not working.