The Third Man
The Third Man

Calloway: Next time we'll have a foolproof coffin.

The Third Man
The Third Man

Calloway: It had meningitis. They gave it some of Lime's penicillin. Terrible pity isn't it.

The Third Man
The Third Man

Popescue: That's a nice girl, that. But she ought to go careful in Vienna. Everybody ought to go careful in a city like this.

The Third Man
The Third Man

Anna Schmidt: Poor Harry, I wish he was dead. He'd be safe from all of you then.

The Third Man
The Third Man

Holly Martins: Who was the third man?

The Third Man
The Third Man

Holly Martins: I'd make comic faces... and stand on my head and grin at you between my legs... and tell all sorts of jokes. I wouldn't stand a chance, would I?

The Third Man
The Third Man

Crabbin: Hello, Mr. Martins! I've been trying to reach you at your hotel. I've arranged the lecture for tomorrow.
Holly Martins: Oh? What about?
Crabbin: On the modern novel, you remember? What we arranged. I want you to talk about the crisis of faith.
Holly Martins: What's that?

Crabbin: Oh, I thought you'd know. You're a writer.

The Third Man
The Third Man

Holly Martins: There was a third man there. l suppose that doesn't sound peculiar to you.
Maj. Calloway: l'm not interested in whether a racketeer like Lime was killed by his friends or by an accident. The only important thing is that he's dead.

The Third Man
The Third Man

Holly Martins: Didn't you hear Mr. Crabbin offer me the hospitality of the H.Q.B.M.T. ?

The Third Man
The Third Man

Holly Martins: Did you ever hear of "The Lone Rider of Santa Fe"?
Maj. Calloway: Can't say that l have.
Holly Martins: "Death at Double-X Ranch"? Uh, "Raunch".

The Third Man
The Third Man

Holly Martins: Driver! Driver! Slow down! Have you got orders to kill me?

The Third Man
The Third Man

Holly Martins: Did you ever read a book of mine called, "The Lone Rider of Santa Fe"?
Sgt. Paine: No, not that one, sir.
Holly Martins: lt's a story about a man who hunted down a sheriff who was victimizing his best friend.
Crabbin: Seems exciting.
Holly Martins: lt is! l'm gunning just

the same way for your Major Callaghan.
Sgt. Paine: Sounds anti-British, sir.

The Third Man
The Third Man

Maj. Calloway: Miss Schmidt, you were intimate with Lime, weren't you ?

The Third Man
The Third Man

Popescu: l helped Harry fix her papers, Mr. Martins.
Holly Martins: Oh, you did?
Popescu: Not a sort of thing l should confess to a stranger, but you have to break the rules sometimes. Humanity - is a duty. Cigarette, Miss Schmidt?

The Third Man
The Third Man

Popescu: Can l ask, is Mr. Martins engaged on a new book?
Holly Martins: Yes. lt's called, "The Third Man".
Popescu: A novel, Mr. Martins?
Holly Martins: lt's a murder story. l've just started it. lt's based on fact.

The Third Man
The Third Man

Maj. Calloway: He gave you the number of the Casanova Club. That's where a lot of friends of Lime used to go.

The Third Man
The Third Man

Holly Martins: ls it comedy or tragedy?
Anna Schmidt: Comedy. l don't play tragedy.

The Third Man
The Third Man

Holly Martins: l was told that a third man helped you and Kurtz carry the body.
Popescu: l don't know how you got that idea. You'll find all about it in the police report. There was just the two of us, me and the Baron. Who could have told you a story like that ?

The Third Man
The Third Man

Popescu: Why wasn't he at the police inquiry?
Holly Martins: He doesn't want to get involved.
Popescu: You'll never teach these Austrians to be good citizens. lt was his duty to give the evidence.

The Third Man
The Third Man

Anna Schmidt: Oh, please. For heaven's sake, stop making him in your image. Harry was real. He wasn't just your friend and my lover. He was Harry.