The Thing
The Thing

MacReady: [Holding TNT in one hand, and a lit flare in the other] Anybody touches me, and we go.

The Thing
The Thing

Garry: I don't know about Copper... but I give you my word I did not go near that blood!
[Garry lowers his gun and places it on a crate]
Garry: But I guess you'd all feel a little easier if somebody else was in charge. Norris, I can't see somebody objecting to you.
Vance Norris: [after a pause; nervous tone] I'm sorry fellas,

but I-I-I'm not up to it.
Childs: [goes for the gun] I'll take it.
Clark: [pulls out his knife] Like hell you will!
MacReady: [takes the gun] It should be somebody a little more even-tempered, Childs.

The Thing
The Thing

Kate Lloyd: Anyone else with porcelain fillings? Or clean teeth?

The Thing
The Thing

Windows: You guys gonna listen to Garry? You gonna let him give the orders? I mean, he could BE one of those THINGS!

The Thing
The Thing

[first lines]
MacReady: Poor baby, you're starting to lose it.

The Thing
The Thing

MacReady: [facing a silent group] Anybody seen Fuchs? Somebody blew out a fuse in the lab. Lights where out in there for an hour; any ONE of us coulda gotten to him. All right, we gotta find him. Nauls, why don't you come with me and we'll look outside. Palmer, you and Windows check the inside.
Palmer: I ain't going with Windows. I ain't goin' with 'im.

I'll go with Childs.
Windows: Hey, fuck you, Palmer!
Palmer: I ain't goin' with you!
Childs: Who says I want you goin' with ME?
MacReady: [emphatically] ALL RIGHT, CUT THE BULLSHIT!
MacReady: Windows, you come with us. Norris, you stay here.

MacReady: [referring to Garry, Clack & Doc tied to the sofa] Any of them move, you fry 'em. You hear anything - anything at all - you cut loose on the sirens. We all meet back here in twenty minutes - REGARDLESS! And everybody watch whoever you're with... real close.

The Thing
The Thing

MacReady: [holding dynamite] Anyone messes with me... and the whole camp goes!
Palmer: Don't argue with him!

The Thing
The Thing

Dr. Copper: [viewing the ruined Norwegian camp] My God, what the hell happened here?
MacReady: C'mon, Doc.

The Thing
The Thing

George Bennings: [Watching a video of the Norwegians] How much more of this crap is there?
Dr. Copper: Well, nine hours, I'd say.
George Bennings: We can't learn anything from this.
Dr. Copper: Guess not.

The Thing
The Thing

Fuchs: [whispering] I have to talk to you.
MacReady: I'm tired of talkin', Fuchs. I just wanna get up to my shack and get drunk.
Fuchs: Mac, it's important.
MacReady: What is it?
Fuchs: Outside.
MacReady: It's 40 below zero outside.

The Thing
The Thing

Sam Carter: And the last place you want to be is cooped up with a dozen of Norwegian guys.

The Thing
The Thing

Colin: You think they're gonna pay a bonus for bringing home an alien instead of core samples?

The Thing
The Thing

Adam Finch: What are you, an asshole?

The Thing
The Thing

Adam Finch: [about Sander] In the three years that I have known him, this is the most excited I have ever seen him.

The Thing
The Thing

Lars: [In Norwegian] We found a fucking alien! Cheers!

The Thing
The Thing

Adam Finch: You know, I never believed in this shit.
Jonas: I always did.

The Thing
The Thing

Norwegian Passenger with Rifle: [in untranslated Norwegian] Get the hell away! That's not a dog, it's some sort of thing! It's imitating a dog, it isn't real! GET AWAY, YOU IDIOTS!

The Thing
The Thing

Kate Lloyd: That's exactly what it wants. Not to mention you'd be giving it a way out of here. A way to spread. lt's like a virus. So what do we do with any virus?
Adam Finch: Quarantine. We isolate it and then we kill it.

The Thing
The Thing

Childs: You the only one who made it?
MacReady: Not the only one.
Childs: You kill it?
MacReady: Where were you, Childs?
Childs: Thought I saw Blair. Went out after him. Got lost in the storm.
MacReady: laughs ruefully
Childs: Fire's got

the temperature up all over the camp. Won't last long though.
MacReady: Neither will we.
Childs: How will we make it?
MacReady: Maybe we shouldn't.
Childs: If you're worried about me... .
MacReady: If we got any surprises for each other, I don't think we're in much shape to do

anything about it.
Childs: Well. What do we do?
MacReady: Why don't we just... wait here for a little while. See what happens.

The Thing
The Thing

Childs: You the only one who made it?
MacReady: Not the only one.
Childs: You kill it?
MacReady: Where were you, Childs?
Childs: Thought I saw Blair. Went out after him. Got lost in the storm.
MacReady: [laughs ruefully]
Childs: Fire's got

the temperature up all over the camp. Won't last long though.
MacReady: Neither will we.
Childs: How will we make it?
MacReady: Maybe we shouldn't.
Childs: If you're worried about me... .
MacReady: If we got any surprises for each other, I don't think we're in much shape to do

anything about it.
Childs: Well. What do we do?
MacReady: Why don't we just... wait here for a little while. See what happens.