Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Guy Haines: You crazy maniac! Would you please get out of here and leave me alone?
Bruno Anthony: But Guy... I like you.
[offended, Guy punches Bruno in the face]

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Guy Haines: Doesn't that bloodhound ever relax? He sticks so close he's beginning to grow on me - like a fungus.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Bruno Anthony: Everyone has somebody that they want to put out of the way. Oh now surely, Madam, you're not going to tell me that there hasn't been a time that you didn't want to dispose of someone. Your husband, for instance?

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Anne Morton: How did you get him to do it?
Guy Haines: I... get him to do it?
Anne Morton: Bruno Anthony. He killed Miriam, didn't he?
[Guy stares at Anne, hesitating to answer]
Anne Morton: Tell me the truth. Didn't he?
Guy Haines: Yes. He's a maniac. I met him a few weeks ago

on the train going to Metcalf. Over some small talk and drinks, he came up with some crazy scheme about exchanging murders. I'd do his murder; he'd do mine.
Anne Morton: What do you mean "your murder" Guy?
Guy Haines: Bruno read about me in the newspapers. He knew all about me and Miriam... and about you. He suggested that if he got rid of Miriam for

me, I should kill his father.
Anne Morton: But you must have known he was only talking nonsense.
Guy Haines: But he wasn't! He really wasn't joking about swapping murders! Of course I didn't give it another thought. And now a lunatic wants me to kill his father.
Anne Morton: It's too fantastic.

Haines: Yes, isn't it?
Anne Morton: You mean, you've known about Miriam all this time?
Guy Haines: Since the first night. He gave me her glasses and told me what he did.
Anne Morton: Why didn't you call the police? Why didn't you turn Bruno in right away?
Guy Haines: And have them say to me

what you just said? "Mr. Haines, how did you get him to do it? Confess, Mr. Haines! How did you get Bruno Anthony to murder your wife?" Bruno would have told them that we planned it together.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Bruno Anthony: How do you do, sir? I'd like to talk with you sometime, sir, and tell you about my idea for harnessing the life force. It'll make atomic power look like the horse and buggy. I'm already developing my faculty for seeing _millions_ of miles. And Senator: can you imagine being able to smell a flower - on the planet Mars? I'd like to have lunch with you someday soon,

sir. Tell you more about it.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Barbara Morton: Who's the interesting-looking Frenchman with the Darvilles?
Guy Haines: His name's Antony... he's not French.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Bruno Anthony: It must be pretty exciting to be so important.
Guy Haines: A tennis player isn't so important.
Bruno Anthony: Oh, but people who do things are important. Now, me, I - I never seem to do anything.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Bruno Anthony: Sure, I went to college. I got kicked out of three of them. Drinking and gambling. Not like you, huh? All right, so I'm a bum.
Guy Haines: Who said you were?
Bruno Anthony: My father. He *hates* me. With all the money he's got, he thinks that I ought to catch the 8-5 bus every morning, punch a time clock somewhere and

work my way up selling *paint* or something. Now, what do you think of a character like that?
Guy Haines: Well, I think possibly...
Bruno Anthony: Yes. I hate him too.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Bruno Anthony: There I go again. Too friendly. It always happens. I meet somebody who I like and admire and I open my mouth too much.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Bruno Anthony: You think my theory is okay, Guy? You like it?
Guy Haines: Sure, sure, Bruno. They're all okay.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Miriam Joyce Haines: Hey, are we going to go to the Tunnel of Love?
Miriam's Boyfriend: Tunnel of Love?
Miriam Joyce Haines: Come on!

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Guy Haines: I guess I'm a little jittery.
Bruno Anthony: Oh, I know a cure for that. Eh, waiter.
Guy Haines: Yes, sir.
Bruno Anthony: Scotch and plain water please. A pair. Doubles.
[to Bruno]
Bruno Anthony: The only kind of doubles I play.
Guy Haines:

You'll have to drink both of them.
Bruno Anthony: And I can do it.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Bruno Anthony: Have you ever driven a car blindfolded at 150 miles an hour?
Guy Haines: Not lately.
Bruno Anthony: I did. I flew on a jet plane too. Man, that's a thrill! Almost blew the sawdust out of my head. And, I'm going to make a reservation on the first rocket to the moon.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Bruno Anthony: That reminds me of a *wonderful* idea I had once. I used to put myself to sleep at night - figuring it out. Now, let's say that - that you'd like to get rid of your wife.
Guy Haines: That's a morbid thought.
Bruno Anthony: Oh, no, no, no, no. Just suppose. Let's say you had a very good reason.

Haines: No, let's - let's not say...
Bruno Anthony: No, no! Let's say. Now, you'd be afraid to kill her. You'd get caught. And what would trip you up? The motive. Ah. Now here's my idea.
Guy Haines: I'm afraid I haven't time to listen, Bruno.
Bruno Anthony: Listen, it's so simple, too. Two fellows meet accidentally,

like you and me. No connection between them at all. Never saw each other before. Each one has somebody he'd like to get rid of. So they swap murders.
Guy Haines: Swap murders?
Bruno Anthony: Each fellow does the other fellow's murder. Then there's nothing to connect them. Each one has murdered a total stranger. Like you do my murder and I do yours.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Bruno Anthony: What did you say her name was? Your wife's?
Guy Haines: Miriam.
Bruno Anthony: Miram, that's it. Miriam Joyce Haines. I suppose she - played around a lot, huh?
Guy Haines: Skip it, Bruno. It's kind of painful for a man to discover he's been a chump.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Anne Morton: [on the phone] You sound so savage, Guy.
Guy Haines: Sure I sound savage. I feel savage. I'd like to break her neck! I said I'd like to break her foul, useless little neck!
[train rumbles nearby]
Guy Haines: What's that? I said I could strangle her!

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Miriam Joyce Haines: I really should have had a hot dog before I had this.
Miriam's Boyfriend: A hot dog?
Miriam Joyce Haines: It would have satisfied my cravings a little better.
[seductively eating an ice cream cone]

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Guy Haines: [long kiss] Darling, you're trembling.
Anne Morton: Guy, I wonder if you know how much I love you.
Guy Haines: Brazen woman. I'm the one to say that.
[long kiss]

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Senator Morton: One doesn't always have to *say* what one thinks.
Barbara Morton: Father, I'm not a politician.

Strangers on a Train
Strangers on a Train

Barbara Morton: I've just been talking to your shadow. Guy, did you know Mr. Hennessy helped crack that axe murder I was reading about? You know, the one where the body was cut up and hidden in the butcher shop? He was locked in the ice box with the left leg for six hours!
Guy Haines: Oh, Babs, he pulls those things out of his hat.