
[Norman hears the Green Goblin cackling]
Norman Osborn: Is somebody there?
Green Goblin: [mocking] Somebody?
Norman Osborn: Who are you?
Green Goblin: Don't play the innocent with ME - you've known all along!
Norman Osborn: Where are you?
Green Goblin:

Follow the cold shiver running down your spine...
[Norman wildly searches among his collection of masks for the source of the voice]
Green Goblin: [impatiently] I'm right HERE!
[Norman turns and confronts his reflection in a mirror]
Norman Osborn: I, I don't understand...
Green Goblin: Did you think it was

coincidence - so many good things happening for you, all for you, Norman?
[He drains Norman's glass and hurls it away]
Norman Osborn: What do you want?
Green Goblin: To say what you won't, to do what you can't - to *remove* those in your way...
[He holds up a newspaper which Norman examines. The main headlines state the murder of the

Oscorp Board of Governors at the hands of the Green Goblin]
Norman Osborn: The Board Members - you killed them!
Green Goblin: WE killed them!
Norman Osborn: We?
Green Goblin: Remember? Your little "accident" in the laboratory...?
Norman Osborn: The performance enhancers...

Green Goblin: Bingo. Me! Your greatest creation. Bringing you what you've always wanted: power beyond your wildest dreams and its only the beginning. There is only one who could stop us - or imagine if he joined us...
[as Norman watches in fear, the Goblin bares his teeth in an utterly manic grin...]


Green Goblin: Spider-Man. This is why only fools are heroes - because you never know when some lunatic will come along with a sadistic choice. Let die the woman you love... or suffer the little children? Make your choice, Spider-Man, and see how a hero is rewarded!
Spider-Man: Don't do it Goblin!
Green Goblin: We are who we choose to

be... now, *choose*!


Peter Parker: I want you to know, that I will always be there for you; I will always be there to take care of you. I promise you that. I will always be your friend.
Mary Jane: Only a friend, Peter Parker?
Peter Parker: That's all I have to give...


Bonesaw McGraw: Hey freak show! You're going nowhere. I got you for three minutes. Three minutes of PLAYTIME!


J. Jonah Jameson: [about Peter's pictures of Spider-Man] They're crap. Crap, crap, megacrap. I'll give you two hundred bucks for all of 'em.


[the Goblin crashes through the Daily Bugle office]
Green Goblin: [grabbing Jameson by the throat] Jameson you slime! Who's the photographer who takes pictures of Spider-Man?
J. Jonah Jameson: I don't know who he is! His stuff comes in the mail!
Green Goblin: YOU'RE LYING!
J. Jonah Jameson: I swear!

Green Goblin: He's the one who can take me to him!
J. Jonah Jameson: I don't know who he is!
Green Goblin: [preparing to punch Jameson] You are useless you...!
Spider-Man: [appears upside-down outside the window] Settle down, tough guy.
Green Goblin: [drops Jameson and turns around

on the glider] Speak of the Devil!


Green Goblin: Spider-Man is all but invincible; but Parker, we can destroy him.
Norman Osborn: I can't.
Green Goblin: Betrayal must not be countenanced. Parker must be educated.
Norman Osborn: What do I do?
Green Goblin: Instruct him in the matters of loss and pain. Make him suffer,

make him wish he were dead.
Norman Osborn: Yes?
Green Goblin: And then grant his wish.
Norman Osborn: But how?
Green Goblin: The cunning warrior attacks neither body nor mind.
Norman Osborn: TELL ME HOW!
Green Goblin: The HEART Osborn! First, we attack his



[On the morning after Peter gets bitten]
Aunt May: Feeling better this morning? Any change?
Peter Parker: Change? Yep. BIG change.


Mary Jane: You know, you're taller than you look.
Peter Parker: I hunch.
Mary Jane: Don't.


Uncle Ben: [changing a light bulb] And the Lord said, "Let there be light." And voilà! There is light. Forty soft, glowing watts of it.
Aunt May: Good boy. God will be thrilled, just don't fall on your ass.


Uncle Ben: I don't mean to lecture and I don't mean to preach. And I know I'm not your father...
Peter Parker: Then stop pretending to be!


[as Flash Thompson tries to beat up Peter Parker in school]
Mary Jane: Help him, Harry!
[one of Flash's buddies tries to tackle Peter from behind, Peter senses it and jumps, flipping over backward and landing on his feet]
Harry Osborn: Which one?


Cop at Fire: [at a burning building, a cop approaches Spider-Man] Hold it right here, you're under arrest! I'm taking you in!
Young Lady at Fire: [a scream is heard in the building] There's somebody still up there!
Spider-Man: I'm going.
Cop at Fire: I'll be here when you get back.

Spider-Man: Not coming back, chief.


Mary Jane: [looking at spiders] Disgusting!
Harry Osborn: Yeah, I hate the little things.
Mary Jane: I love 'em.
Harry Osborn: Oh yeah, me too.


Flash Thompson: Think you're pretty funny, don't you, freak?
Mary Jane: Flash, it was just an accident!
Flash Thompson: My fist breaking your teeth, that's the accident.
Mary Jane: C'mon, Flash, stop!
Peter Parker: I don't want to fight you, Flash.

Thompson: I wouldn't want to fight me, neither.


[upon inspecting Peter Parker's bedroom]
Norman Osborn: A bit of a slob, isn't he?
Aunt May: All brilliant men are.


Mary Jane: I wanna... act. On stage.
Peter Parker: Really? Well that's perfect. You were awesome in all the school plays.
Mary Jane: Really?
Peter Parker: Yeah. I cried like a baby when you played Cinderella.
Mary Jane: Peter, that was first grade.
Peter Parker:

Well, even so...


[in Aunt May's hospital room]
Peter Parker: [relating to M.J. what he supposedly said to Spider-man] I said, um, Spider-man, I said, uh, the great thing about M.J. is when you look in her eyes, and she's looking back in yours, everything feels not quite normal, because you feel stronger, and weaker at the same time. You feel excited, and at the same time, terrified. The

truth is you don't know what you feel, except you know what kind of man you want to be. It's as if you've reached the unreachable, and you weren't ready for it.
Mary Jane: You said that?
Peter Parker: Oh, something like that...


[first words]
Green Goblin: Back to formula!
[he hurls Doctor Strong through glass and leaps after him, baring his teeth]


Hoffman: We've got a page six problem.
J. Jonah Jameson: We've got a page one problem, shut up.