Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner

Stephen Daldry would be a director that I would love to work with as well as Peter Jackson, Tim Burton, and I'm very lucky to have worked with Isabel Coixet, who is also one of my favourite directors.

Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner

Clearly I'm really attracted to parts where there's a dark, sinister feel about them!

Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner

Obviously I've had crushes, and I've tried to make things work with people, but it doesn't when you're away so much. I like to think, 'Don't go looking for it; it'll happen when it wants to happen.'

Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner

I don't get any dates; that's the thing.

Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner

I really like The Vamps. I'm friends with a couple of the guys from the band, so that's fun.

Sophie Turner
Sophie Turner

Some days I want to look like a hipster kid, and then other days I want to be prim and proper. I really wish I had, like, seven lives so I could go from being a hipster one day to a punk the next. But that's the great thing about fashion. In a way, it's like acting, because you can try on all these different roles.