Sly Stone
Sly Stone

You can make it if you try, push a little harder, think a little deeper.

Sly Stone
Sly Stone

Stand, you've been sitting much too long, there's a permanent crease in your right or wrong.

Sly Stone
Sly Stone

Sunday school don't make you cool forever.

Sly Stone
Sly Stone

It's not the teaching, it's the learning.

Sly Stone
Sly Stone

Was on my last leg, I couldn't even borrow my friend's extra peg.

Sly Stone
Sly Stone

Different strokes, for different folks.

Sly Stone
Sly Stone

I like my small camper. I just do not want to return to a fixed home. I cannot stand being in one place. I must keep moving.

Sly Stone
Sly Stone

I feel albino musicians could neutralise all the racial problems.

Sly Stone
Sly Stone

Time needs another minute.

Sly Stone
Sly Stone

I've got a few reasons why I've got to maintain stability. I've got into wanting people to hear my music. I've got something I want people to hear because I know they'll like it. They've gotta like it! The songs I've been writing are the sort of things you have to like.