Sara Paxton
Sara Paxton

People would be surprised to know that I've gone to regular school my whole life, and I don't have one friend who is an actor!

Sara Paxton
Sara Paxton

When I was 12 I cried to my mom, because I never got my letter to Hogwarts.

Sara Paxton
Sara Paxton

New York is a lot more fun than L.A.

Sara Paxton
Sara Paxton

I definitely try and wash my face twice a day, and I never go to bed with my makeup on. I mostly just wash my face and try to not touch my face because that's when you get pimples.

Sara Paxton
Sara Paxton

I like food way too much to not eat.

Sara Paxton
Sara Paxton

Whenever I see young girls wearing way too much makeup... you're young, you don't need that much.

Sara Paxton
Sara Paxton

I got started as an actress doing musical theater, and I always loved 'Grease' and 'West Side Story,' and all those kind of movies.

Sara Paxton
Sara Paxton

When I was a lot younger, my parents raised me watching classic movies.

Sara Paxton
Sara Paxton

I'm always looking for a new thing that really terrifies me that I think I can't do it and accomplish that.

Sara Paxton
Sara Paxton

Really good comedic roles for women are far and between, with the exception of 'Bridesmaids,' where everyone said it broke down so many doors for women - and it did. I would like to do something like that. I think it would be really great!

Sara Paxton
Sara Paxton

I mean I am not Hilary Duff. Like I have my own path that I'm going to go on.