Ryan Lewis
Ryan Lewis

Seattle isn't known for a particular production sound, so that leaves a lot of great producers in Seattle doing kind of their own thing. And I think, for me, I was probably enough removed from hip-hop that my style was even a little bit weirder than that.

Ryan Lewis
Ryan Lewis

Rick Rubin is super intriguing to me because he has become this god producer in completely drastically different genres, which very few people have done.

Ryan Lewis
Ryan Lewis

I would love to be one of the few artists that hits a point of success and can go back into the studio and make another album that matters and relates to people and not go back in and be super tainted by this whole thing.

Ryan Lewis
Ryan Lewis

You have no idea what you're passionate about until you give it a shot. If I hadn't been given a guitar or a camera or whatever, I'd be doing something different.

Ryan Lewis
Ryan Lewis

I don't think I would be here in an interview if YouTube wasn't in existence, if social media hadn't been developed, or if these platforms for artists to promote and develop their own careers hadn't become available.

Ryan Lewis
Ryan Lewis

I think most producers and MCs are constantly in this competition, but it's usually with yourself. It's usually wanting to be innovative: wanting to catch yourself when you're doing the same thing or throwing out the same art you've already done.

Ryan Lewis
Ryan Lewis

I guess my job has always been to build the music, direct the videos, to do all the things that usually fall behind the scenes.