Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

There's a lot of books out there about how you lead change in business, but I've certainly not seen any... on how you do that in public institutions.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I've seen, all too often in my career, people coming in to lead agencies and organizations and trying to impose change from the top down. Never works. You never have enough time.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I've spent my entire adult life with the United States as a superpower and one that had no compunction about spending what it took to sustain that position. And it didn't have to look over its shoulder because our economy was so strong.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

Things have gotten so nasty in Washington.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I have tried to maintain civil relationships with everyone I meet - and, even if I violently disagree with them, try to be respectful.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

If there's ever an example that military power alone cannot be successful in Afghanistan, I think it was the Soviet experience.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

One of the big changes in the Congress since I first came to Washington is that all of these folks go home every weekend. They used to play golf together; their families got to know each other, go to dinner at each other's homes at weekends - and these would be people who were political adversaries.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I consider myself a Republican.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

Defense is not like other discretionary spending.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I have instincts.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I don't think any president that I worked with has ever said 'pretty please.'

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I have always voted for who I believed was the best person.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I read in the press, and therefore it must be true, that no secretary of defense had ever been quoted as arguing for a bigger budget for State.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

You know, if I were an - if I were a Taliban, I'd say, 'What did al-Qaida ever do for me except get me kicked out of Afghanistan?'

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I have always that there ought to be some kind of mandatory national service, not necessarily in the military but to show everybody that freedom isn't free, that everybody has an obligation to the nation as a community.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I've been very sensitive for a long time to the repeated pattern, during economic hard times or after a war, of the United States' essentially unilaterally disarming.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I had no difficulty as Secretary of Defense moving from the Bush administration to the Obama administration.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

I wish I could set deadlines for the Congress, but that's just not the way the Constitution is written.

Robert M. Gates
Robert M. Gates

Some people have said, in so many words, that I'm kind of wooly-headed in believing that the Iranians would see not having nuclear weapons as more in their security interest than not.