Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

Frank Wheeler: April, if you need a shrink, it will be paid for. Obviously.

Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

April Wheeler: So, I guess Paris was a pretty childish idea, huh?

Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

Jack Ordway: Foiled by faulty contraception.

Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

April Wheeler: When I first met you, there was nothing in the world you couldn't do or be.
Frank Wheeler: When you first met me, I was a little wise guy with a big mouth.
April Wheeler: You were not! How can you even say that?

Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

April Wheeler: This is our chance, Frank. This is our one chance.

Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

Frank Wheeler: Morning all.
Jack Ordway: Franklin, good to see your shining face. What's the news?
Frank Wheeler: Fellas, I'm moving to Paris.
Jack Ordway: In deed, and I'm moving to Tangiers.

Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

Frank Wheeler: You'll never guess what they eat in Paris? You'll never guess?
Jennifer Wheeler: What?
Michael Wheeler: What?
Frank Wheeler: Slimy snails!
Jennifer WheelerMichael Wheeler: Snails?
Frank Wheeler: Slimy snails and icky frogs


Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

Milly Campbell: We should have a toast or something. To Paris!
Frank Wheeler: To Paris!
April Wheeler: To Paris!
Shep Campbell: To Paris!

Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

April Wheeler: I hear you're a mathematician.
John Givings: You hear wrong. Its all gone now.
April Wheeler: All gone?
John Givings: You know what electrical shock treatments are?
April Wheeler: Yes. Yes, I do.
John Givings: I had thirty-seven. It's supposed to

jolt out the emotional problems. It just jolted out the mathematics.

Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

Frank Wheeler: April, we can be happy here. I can make you happy here. We've had a great couple of months. It doesn't need to end. We're gonna be okay. I promise.
April Wheeler: I hope so, Frank. I really hope so.

Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

April Wheeler: Where are you going?
Frank Wheeler: If its all right with you, April, I'm gonna go use the bathroom. Okay?

Revolutionary Road
Revolutionary Road

April Wheeler: Come on, let's do it.