Reeve Carney
Reeve Carney

My dad, being a jingle writer, and my mom, being a jingle singer, they hooked me up with some people when I was a kid that worked with children's jingle singing groups. I used to sing jingles as a kid.

Reeve Carney
Reeve Carney

No matter what you're going through, as long as you have some specific emotion, whether it's positive or negative, it is all stuff that you can use on stage.

Reeve Carney
Reeve Carney

My dad was a jingle writer, and my mom was a jewelry designer and musician.

Reeve Carney
Reeve Carney

I write about my life and my own experience, but I also write about things that I have no knowledge of whatsoever.

Reeve Carney
Reeve Carney

I don't actually like explaining the meanings of my songs, because I think people can take away more from it if they use their imagination.

Reeve Carney
Reeve Carney

I think that's the whole point of music - to inspire people.

Reeve Carney
Reeve Carney

It's always mildly unnerving when you're hanging upside down 70 feet in the air.

Reeve Carney
Reeve Carney

I never thought I'd be acting. It's very accidental for me.