Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

Not like Chinese food, where you eat it and then you feel hungry an hour later.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

You know, it was a small, independent movie and with Paramount becoming involved, it was obviously a good thing, but you can't put a round peg in a square hole.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

I've only been in one fight in my whole life... in 7th grade, yet everyone thinks I'm a maniac.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

You don't do anything thinking that it's going to stick.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

There are a lot of actors who will watch the monitors. They'll do a scene, and then the director will look back to see if he got whatever he wanted. I just find it odd to sit there and watch yourself.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

Well, for Blow I had to age from 20 to 60, starting out in shape and then later putting on fat pads.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

This is the profession I chose, and you really learn to save your money because you never know how it's going to go, but you still want to get out there and work.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

I think that if you can achieve a balance, then you appease a lot of yourself and your career and what it takes to maintain in this business for a while.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

What I really am is a homebody. I was a homebody even before I had a family. My days are filled with home stuff.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

I know when I go to a movie I want to experience something, whether to laugh, to cry, to feel bad.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

My dad said, 'Go to college and take whatever you want.' So, I went to the University of Miami. When I got up to the line at registration, I saw that you had to take math and history. I said, 'There's no way I'm taking math and history.' And right next to it was the line for the drama department.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

I was looking to become more proactive with my career because I wasn't crazy with some of the scripts I was getting - this was before Blow and Hannibal - so I decided to start my own production company.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

I think people like watching edgy things.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

It would be nice to do a movie where I didn't have to choke the girl to get her.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

Acting is playing pretend, playing a children's game at an adult level, but with children's rules. It's fun to play bad guys. I've never been in a fight in my life, so it's fun to play something that's different.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

I'm emotionally in tune with my feelings and what people mean to me, and I have no trouble saying it and relating to it.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

I talk to my friends and, you know, they all seem to get relationships that aren't right. You kind of want someone who is not at your beck and call but loves the idea of being in a relationship and what that entails.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

I feel I've done everything late in life. Got married late, and I didn't do my first movie until I was 31. But in this crazy business, you never know what's going to happen. Maybe after 20 years of making movies I'll become an overnight sensation.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

The first script I got was Narc and I really responded to it; it reminded me of a '70s type movie, I really liked the characters, I didn't anticipate the ending.

Ray Liotta
Ray Liotta

The Rat Pack was the piece that really kicked me out of that little funk that I was in and then Ted called me up and asked me if I wanted to be the dad in Blow.