Ram Dass
Ram Dass

We come into relationships often very much identified with our needs. I need this, I need security, I need refuge, I need friendship. And all of relationships are symbiotic in that sense. We come together because we fulfill each others' needs at some level or other.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

When I look at my life, I see that I wanted to be free of the physical plane, the psychological plane, and when I got free of those I didn't want to go anywhere near them.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

I sit with people who are dying. I'm one of those unusual types that enjoys being with someone when they're dying because I know I am going to be in the presence of Truth.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

In working with those who are dying, I offer another human being a spacious environment with my mind in which they can die as they need to die. I have no right to define how another person should die. I'm just there to help them transition, however they need to do it.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

I feel vulnerable because my mind - because of the stroke, my mind doesn't focus. And then I feel vulnerable because I don't understand the world around me.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

In our Western culture, although death has come out of the closet, it is still not openly experienced or discussed. Allowing dying to be so intensely present enriches both the preciousness of each moment and our detachment from it.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

Inspiration is God making contact with itself.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

My belief is that I wasn't born into Judaism by accident, and so I needed to find ways to honor that.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

Maharaj-ji, in my first darshan, my first meeting with him, showed me his powers. At that point I was impressed with the power. But subsequently, I realized that it was really his love that pulled me in. His love is unconditional love.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

When I used to perform weddings, the image I always had was the image of a triangle, in which there are two partners and then there is this third force, this third being, that emerges out of the interaction of these two. The third one is the one that is the shared awareness that lies behind the two of them.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

I have always said that often the religion you were born with becomes more important to you as you see the universality of truth.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

In India, there's a way of seeing life as a cosmic play. It's called Lila. I can watch my life, and I can see my guru playing with me.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

Working with the dying is like being a midwife for this great rite of passage of death. Just as a midwife helps a being take their first breath, you help a being take their last breath.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

I can go all over the world with Skype.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

From a Hindu perspective, you are born as what you need to deal with, and if you just try and push it away, whatever it is, it's got you.

Ram Dass
Ram Dass

Each of us finds his unique vehicle for sharing with others his bit of wisdom.