Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

I get the urge people will have after Trump. 'Look at the chaos and the exhaustion: Wouldn't it be better to go back to something more stable with somebody we know?' But there's no going back to a pre-Trump universe. We can't be saying the system will be fine again just like it was. Because that's not true; it wasn't fine.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

Tearing apart a community, a business, and a family will make America worse off, every time.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

I'm proud of who I am. I am proud of my husband and our marriage.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

Presidents going live from the Oval Office have used that platform to inform the American public, and also to do one of the most important parts of their job: to inspire the best in us.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

It's time to join the ranks of nations that have put the ugliness of capital punishment behind them.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

Being the mayor of your hometown is the best job in America, partly because it's relatively nonpartisan - we focus on results, not ideology.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

Donald Trump got elected because, in his twisted way, he pointed out the huge troubles in our economy and our democracy.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

The first news event I understood as a small child was the loss of the space shuttle Challenger, which President Reagan eloquently mourned from the Oval that evening.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

Experiences with friends or family members coming out have helped millions of Americans to see past stereotypes and better understand what being gay is - and is not.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

If somebody is saying that I should not compete because I'm a man, I don't know what to say to that. And if somebody is saying that I had it easy, I would invite them to join the military and enter Indiana politics in 2010 as a gay person. See how easy they find it.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

People in communities like Granger, Indiana, are rarely heard from on cable networks. But they, too, believe it is wrong to deport friends and neighbors who do no harm and much good.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

You know, I do believe that China is emerging as a competitor, not just a competitor but, in many ways, an adversary. And, you know, the Chinese model is also being held up globally as an alternative power model, and I very much believe in our model versus theirs.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

I think that policy matters. I'm a policy guy.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

My high school in South Bend had nearly a thousand students. Statistically, that means that several dozen were gay or lesbian. Yet, when I graduated in 2000, I had yet to encounter a single openly LGBT student there.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

I've never believed in running for office so you can eventually run for some other office.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

The decision to serve needs to be independent of your politics.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

My marriage to Chasten has made me a better man.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

Mayors love lists when they say something good about their city and hate them when they don't.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

You could be a senior senator and have never managed more than a hundred people in your life.

Pete Buttigieg
Pete Buttigieg

I've always been terrible at land navigation.